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Subject: Re: Younger sibling treated differently

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Date Posted: 10:59:38 11/10/24 Sun
In reply to: Lyra 's message, "Younger sibling treated differently" on 12:33:07 10/27/24 Sun

Interesting topic, Lyra!

Going in the opposite direction of leniency of older vs younger siblings, a great example is that of my ex-wife Katie and her 5 years younger sister, Cherie.

To hear my ex tell it, she herself was a modern day Cinderella! She was required to help her mom with "top-to-bottom" housecleaning starting very early every Saturday morning, supposedly had to stand in a chair to reach the kitchen sink to wash dishes, was never allowed to go anywhere, to have sleepovers, and was frequently spanked. If only I knew how to play the violin, haha!

Cherie came along 5 years after Katie, and by the time she was old enough to have been subjected to everything Katie was being subjected to, she (Katie) theorizes that her mom and dad realized they had been too hard on her, and so the pendulum swung back the other way...but only for Cherie...and it swung back WAY TOO far!

One Saturday morning when Cherie would have been about 7 and Katie around 12, their sister-in-law - their older brother's wife Donna - stopped by for a visit. Donna said sure enough, Katie and her mom were super busy cleaning the house. She asked where Cherie was; they told her, in her bedroom.

Donna went to Cherie's bedroom to find her bouncing on her bed. She asked why she wasn't helping her mom and sister with the housecleaning. Cherie replied in a haughty tone, "I wasn't born to work, I was born to play!"

Donna said she told Cherie, "GIRL, you need to have your BUTT BLISTERED!"

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[> Subject: Re: Younger sibling treated differently

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Date Posted: 10:31:00 11/13/24 Wed

My little sister was spanked oftener than I was. But she was a lot less obedient than I was as well. When I was growing up, I did feel like our parents let her push them farther than they would have allowed me to push them at that age, before giving a spanking.

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