Subject: Re: Yesterday |
Author: Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 14:42:27 11/14/24 Thu
In reply to:
Emmie Sue
's message, "My butt hurts" on 04:01:39 10/21/24 Mon
I had my friend over and we were having fun and maybe getting kind of nasty (with all our clothes on, unfortunately) and admittedly we had made quite a mess, which I had fully intended to fully clean up when Shelby came home early. Looking back it was kind of funny because we felt like when you're little girls and you're doing something naughty and mom walks in. I think Shelby was pretty shocked by the mess. I know it was just written all over my face that Shelby is the strict mom and I was in trouble and I couldn't hide it to my friend or like blow it off and she was like looking at me and looking at Shelby and if she had any question about it by this time, I know she knew right then. I said "Don't worry I'll get it all cleaned up." "Oh you're fucking right you will." Then Shelby said "Are your chores done? For the last 3 days?!" "Well, I'll get to them." And your school work?" "It's just a little..." "And did you get to class on time today?" "Maybe just a second late." All of this was happening right in front of my friend, who was sitting straight as a board and her eyes were huge. Look, okay I know I've been slacking, I know we shouldn't have made such a mess and I know I deserved to be punished so you people don't have to rag on me, but I think Shelby went way over board to say this right in front of my friend. "You are in big trouble, young lady!" I could have died. I don't know what my friend was thinking. I don't know if she thought she was in trouble too or what but she went "Can, can, can...can I help clean up?" then after not getting an answer she said "I guess I better go now."
My friend had hardly gotten out the door when when Shelby had me across her knees with my pants and panties down giving me one of the worst hand spankings I've ever gotten. Crying I had to clean up the mess (with my pants and panties around my ankles) in the kitchen while Shelby smacked my sore bottom with the wooden spoon then clean up the living room while she cooked dinner. My poor little bottom was still on fire when we had dinner and I knew the whole time I was still going to get a whoopin.
After dinner and I cleaned up after Shelby called me into the living room where I saw her sitting in the chair with the hairbrush. I begged her not to but she really beat my behind with the hairbrush. I can never remember the safeword when I need it and I definitely would have used it. She made me face the wall for a long time and when I turned around she had the bathbrush in her hand. I didn't see any point in begging or protesting and I just bent over the chair like she told me. OMFG!!!! I don't know how many smacks she gave me with that thing, but on my sit spot, a couple on my hips, a couple higher up on my butt and a could right where your butt ends and your legs start. OMFG!!! That was the first time I got it with the bathbrush and It was the worst pain ever. I've still got welts and bruises on my butt.
I had to sit on my on fire butt in the living room and do my homework while Shelby looked over my shoulder. I have to say, I got my essay done quickly and efficiently and it was brilliant. Best essay I'VE ever written. I don't know, maybe there's something to that that all college and school students should know.
Sitting in class today was trust me, a pain in the ass. My friend came up to me in the hall and said she was sorry about what happened and sorry about the mess. Then she said "So...what happened?" I looked at her and thought about do I tell her. I pulled her into an enclave where there was no one and just decided it was time. "She spanked me." She didn't really show any expression, just after a minute said "Oh." We kissed and went on our way. So now she knows.
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