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Subject: My butt hurts

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 04:01:39 10/21/24 Mon

You know those times you're like "Yea, we're having fun! Ya, we're bitches." and then the grin goes off your face and you find your pants and panties around your ankles and your butt's getting beat with a hairbrush? I guess being one of the cool chicks has it's downside.

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[> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

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Date Posted: 05:00:00 10/21/24 Mon

Emmie Sue, if you want to know about a sore bottom, I recommend you search for "The Sarah Balabagan Story the full movie". I won't go into details, just watch the film (it's 2 hours long). It's mostly in a foreign language, probably Filipino, but bit are in English and the true story is self-explanatory. Once you have watched the relevant bit towards the end, come back and still tell us Shelby treats you harshly and your butt hurts. I've only recently found it and it has affected me a lot.

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[> [> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 05:51:46 10/22/24 Tue

Well come on, that's quite a bit different.
From what I read she got 100 strokes over 5 days.

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[> [> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

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Date Posted: 11:40:54 10/22/24 Tue

Not according to the film, it shows most of the 100 being given in one go. Watch the film, the action starts about 1 hrs 40 mins.

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[> [> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

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Date Posted: 09:06:26 12/23/24 Mon

I'm an adult male in a consensual FLR and I have been spanked many times with a Jakori paddle. It stings like crazy. I have had some dark bruises afterwards but the soreness goes away quickly then comes back for the next couple of days. I'm not complaining! I asked her to spank me when I raise my voice lose my temper. I love her more than anything but I have a big ego that gets in the way and it ends up.causing hut feelings. She should not have to put up with it so my butt hurts from time to time to remind me

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[> [> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

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Date Posted: 04:01:10 01/15/25 Wed

Yeh she got 20 strokes of cane

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[> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

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Date Posted: 09:32:10 10/21/24 Mon

I can't say I've ever thought of myself as acting like a bitch or striven to be a "cool chick." Sounds like you received what you deserved.

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[> [> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 05:54:34 10/22/24 Tue

Well it's just slang. I hate that word myself. And let's be real Miss Thea, you can't say you never tried to be cool. I'm not arguing with you or anything, I take full responsibility.

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[> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

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Date Posted: 08:50:25 10/22/24 Tue

I said I never tried to be a "cool chick." I suppose there were a few times in middle school I tried to be cool. Never really worked out. I was always different and I accepted early that I was never going to fit in with the "cool kids"--and I didn't really want to. I was the dorky goody two-shoes theater kid who did my own thing, scolded other kids for swearing, and called my mother to come pick me up from my best friend's sweet 16 because other kids had snuck in alcohol.

It didn't win me many friends, ha. But I cared more about doing the right thing than being liked.

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[> [> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 03:31:24 10/24/24 Thu

I can relate. I'm kind of in between but more on the goody 2 shoes side.

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[> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

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Date Posted: 07:49:11 10/23/24 Wed

Ms. Thea really was morally virtuous for asking to be picked up and depart the occasion for underage drinking. We do need to know if her departure resulted in a Police visit and how well the consequences of that went down.

I identify with Emmi Sue wanting to be one of the normal spanked kids who complained about having a "sore butt" the day after a spanking. It was a badge of honor. School teachers even made jokes about sitting in class the day after report cards came out.

It was not until I was in scouts that I got a spanking that I could feel long afterwards. The beltline gauntlet ones left your bottom criss-crossed with pink edge marks along with a nice wide pink stripe where the leader's "Start" lick had landed. You could feel it the next day, if you plopped down carelessly on a desk seat at school.

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[> [> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 03:33:02 10/24/24 Thu

I wasn't really complaining, just saying that I got a good whoopin without going into a whole lot of detail.

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[> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

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Date Posted: 05:59:20 10/24/24 Thu

I was never a cool chick, quite the opposite. But boy, did I have fantasies about how the cool chicks would get spanked by there parents until they were kicking hysterically like a child and howling their head off.

Emmie Sue, I hope that you feel that you can benefit from punishment spankings although it is not fun at all while they are ongoing.

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[> [> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

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Date Posted: 08:09:42 10/24/24 Thu

Emmie Sue don't be a tease. We need to hear all the details that is why we come on here.

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[> [> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 10:43:17 10/25/24 Fri

I can relate to that. Those girls and the ones who 'know everything'.

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[> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 10:45:36 10/25/24 Fri

I got another bare bottom hand spanking last night, and that's all I'll say. But don't think oh it was just a hand spanking, it went on forever and I cried my head off.

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[> [> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

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Date Posted: 07:37:36 10/26/24 Sat

The hand can be quite potent. Hand spankings should not be dismissed as "getting off too easy." Maybe later, Emmie Sue, you will feel better and want to talk about it. At least let us know if it was earned and beneficial.

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[> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

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Date Posted: 07:54:18 11/02/24 Sat

If I had a dollar for every time I had a sore bottom, I think I’d be a millionaire lol

Growing up it was my parents keeping me in line now it’s my hubby.

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[> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 04:00:35 11/04/24 Mon

Homecoming weekend and I just couldn't behave. I got more than 1 whoopin this weekend. So I'll be sitting gently in class, but I got to say, maybe it was worth it.

I KNOW there was a LOT of misbehavior this weekend and while sitting on my own tormented bottom, I'll be watching other girls to see if they paid for their misbehavior too.

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[> [> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

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Date Posted: 05:02:50 11/05/24 Tue

Emmie Sue! You know you need to tell us more details!!
A quick question, do you ever feel embarrassed from your reactions when getting a punishment spanking?

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

Belle to JenniAnn
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Date Posted: 05:22:33 11/05/24 Tue

I know I was very embarrassed by my reactions to getting spanked. I know I tried to push the thoughts from my mind, ignore the reactions while getting spanked. But nothing helped

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 04:19:22 11/07/24 Thu


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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 04:20:39 11/07/24 Thu

Not to mention I think our neighbors know and I'm SURE my friend knows.

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[> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 04:18:19 11/07/24 Thu

I am SO glad midterms are over. I got A LOT of spankings during midterms, Halloween and homecoming. I think this is the first day in 2 weeks my butt doesn't hurt.

So as I mentioned Monday, I was watching the way girls in class sat in classes and around campus and I swear I saw at least 4 girls kind of squirming in their seats and it could be my imagination but I swear I saw at least a couple rub their bottoms. My friend seemed to be very interested in the way I sat and I almost told her and I think she was on the verge of asking but I just couldn't bring myself to it. We still just like have dry sex although we have seen each others boobs and it's driving me crazy.

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[> [> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

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Date Posted: 12:29:21 11/22/24 Fri

Hi Emmie Sue. I understand. Very sweet. Do you put your hand on her breast when you kiss her? Try having a sleepover. Best wishes.
BTW, who is Shelby?

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[> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 05:35:28 11/12/24 Tue

It's funny. I KNOW my friend knows. She just stares at the hairbrush and we were hanging out in the living room yesterday and every time Shelby came in she straightens up and gets real quiet and acts like she's an angel. Well, she is kind of an angel. I still can't get her pants down or get in her pants damn it, so we just have like dry sex.

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[> [> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 05:39:35 11/12/24 Tue

Oh and by the way, after she left I think watching us made Shelby horny and she knew I was horny so we played spanking games and got down, you know what I mean.

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[> Subject: Re: Yesterday

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 14:42:27 11/14/24 Thu

I had my friend over and we were having fun and maybe getting kind of nasty (with all our clothes on, unfortunately) and admittedly we had made quite a mess, which I had fully intended to fully clean up when Shelby came home early. Looking back it was kind of funny because we felt like when you're little girls and you're doing something naughty and mom walks in. I think Shelby was pretty shocked by the mess. I know it was just written all over my face that Shelby is the strict mom and I was in trouble and I couldn't hide it to my friend or like blow it off and she was like looking at me and looking at Shelby and if she had any question about it by this time, I know she knew right then. I said "Don't worry I'll get it all cleaned up." "Oh you're fucking right you will." Then Shelby said "Are your chores done? For the last 3 days?!" "Well, I'll get to them." And your school work?" "It's just a little..." "And did you get to class on time today?" "Maybe just a second late." All of this was happening right in front of my friend, who was sitting straight as a board and her eyes were huge. Look, okay I know I've been slacking, I know we shouldn't have made such a mess and I know I deserved to be punished so you people don't have to rag on me, but I think Shelby went way over board to say this right in front of my friend. "You are in big trouble, young lady!" I could have died. I don't know what my friend was thinking. I don't know if she thought she was in trouble too or what but she went "Can, can, can...can I help clean up?" then after not getting an answer she said "I guess I better go now."

My friend had hardly gotten out the door when when Shelby had me across her knees with my pants and panties down giving me one of the worst hand spankings I've ever gotten. Crying I had to clean up the mess (with my pants and panties around my ankles) in the kitchen while Shelby smacked my sore bottom with the wooden spoon then clean up the living room while she cooked dinner. My poor little bottom was still on fire when we had dinner and I knew the whole time I was still going to get a whoopin.

After dinner and I cleaned up after Shelby called me into the living room where I saw her sitting in the chair with the hairbrush. I begged her not to but she really beat my behind with the hairbrush. I can never remember the safeword when I need it and I definitely would have used it. She made me face the wall for a long time and when I turned around she had the bathbrush in her hand. I didn't see any point in begging or protesting and I just bent over the chair like she told me. OMFG!!!! I don't know how many smacks she gave me with that thing, but on my sit spot, a couple on my hips, a couple higher up on my butt and a could right where your butt ends and your legs start. OMFG!!! That was the first time I got it with the bathbrush and It was the worst pain ever. I've still got welts and bruises on my butt.

I had to sit on my on fire butt in the living room and do my homework while Shelby looked over my shoulder. I have to say, I got my essay done quickly and efficiently and it was brilliant. Best essay I'VE ever written. I don't know, maybe there's something to that that all college and school students should know.

Sitting in class today was trust me, a pain in the ass. My friend came up to me in the hall and said she was sorry about what happened and sorry about the mess. Then she said "So...what happened?" I looked at her and thought about do I tell her. I pulled her into an enclave where there was no one and just decided it was time. "She spanked me." She didn't really show any expression, just after a minute said "Oh." We kissed and went on our way. So now she knows.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Yesterday

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Date Posted: 14:57:58 11/14/24 Thu

SOOO interesting Emmie Sue...particularly with your friend NOW knowing! That kind of changes ALL the dynamics!

Before I even finished reading your message, before I got to the part where your friend made a hasty retreat, I was THINKING that if SHE was part of the mess-making, she should have had her own turn over Shelby's knee! Perhaps not the hairbrush and bath brush part, since her "crime" was limited to the mess y'all made...but certainly the pants and panties down, bare butt hand-spanking part. She could have watched you go first, so she would know the routine, what was expected of her when she's getting a spanking. And then she could have helped you to clean up.

Do you have any idea how she feels about YOU getting spanked? Do you think she thinks it's weird...or maybe she is intrigued...that maybe some day she'd like to get a spanking of her own, along with you, one after the other over Shelby's lap? I mean, you've DEFINITELY planted a seed in her mind!

Thanks for the update, would love to hear about any future conversations you and your friend have, regarding this SECRET you've now shared with her!


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[> [> Subject: Re: Yesterday

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Date Posted: 15:14:12 11/14/24 Thu

I have found that doing homework or even writing or drawing while sitting on a very sore, fiery bottom seems to exhilarate the creative process.

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[> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 05:47:13 11/22/24 Fri

Our washer went out or something so on Saturday Shelby told me to take all our laundry to the laundrymat and gave me some errands to run. I guess it took about 4 hours. When I got home I was surprised to see my friend there. Shelby and her were sitting at the kitchen table. I was glad to see her (except that on laundry day I looked like a mess) but I was wondering what the hell she was doing here. She's quiet and shy but not so much with me but she was particularly quiet and I swear it looked like she'd been crying and later I discovered the hairbrush was not in it's usual place. WTF??? It didn't look like she was sitting too easy either. She helped me bring in the laundry but soon after left. So WTF??? I haven't asked either one of them but I can't get it out of my head that Shelby spanked her. But why? How?

Do you have any ideas?

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[> [> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

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Date Posted: 14:42:31 11/22/24 Fri

IMHO, your friend was feeling guilty because of the trouble you got into when you both made a mess. She knows that Shelby spanked you for it and she got off scott free. The guilt was probably eating away at her, so she went to visit Shelby and asked her for the same punishment that you got. And considering all the questions that your friend has been asking, there's a good chance that she has an interest in spanking. There's also a good chance that Shelby did spank her.

The only way that you're going to find out for sure is to ask Shelby and/or your friend about it. And while you're at it, why don't you ask Shelby if your mother spanked her when she was there visiting. That should prove to be an interesting conversation.

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[> [> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

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Date Posted: 04:56:45 11/24/24 Sun

I agree with Fran, but
First thing the flu has been going around like crazy and half the people I know look like they've been crying.
Maybe you're reading too much into it. It sounds like you trust Shelbys advice and guidance and it sounds like your girlfriend doesn't have people she can confide in, so maybe she went to see Shelby to get her advice or just tell her her troubles. Maybe it's school stuff or relationship stuff or family stuff or maybe she has an insane crush on you and doesn't know how to tell you or maybe you are pushing her too hard and she's not ready for it. Maybe it has nothing to do with you. The brush might just have moved.
Or maybe she just needed a good spanking and knew where to get one.

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[> [> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 07:25:36 11/24/24 Sun

Thanks Fran and Trin. I might just be reading too much into it. It kind of turns me on to think about it, but it kind of makes me mad and jealous.

Yesterday we put up the tree. Shelby thought it would be adventurous if we decorated with buttplugs up our butts. To my utter shock my friend just happened to come over, so here I am with this buttplug secured up my butt under my jeans. I don't know if she knew we had buttplugs up our butts but it was embarrassing.

So my friend knows Shelby spanks me and I told Shelby I told her but I didn't expect Shelby to be so open about it. We were playing around and it was making Shelby agitated and she said right out in the open to me "Hey. Stay focused. Do you want a spanking?" I couldn't believe she said that. I must have turned as red as the cranberry sauce. I mean in a way I was really mad at Shelby for saying that.
Not only that but I was really feeling self conscious about having a buttplug up my butt so I quietly asked Shelby if I could take it out. She said "Leave it in, it might lead to something between you and your little girlfriend." I gave her a mean look and excused myself to the bathroom.
Shelby wasn't shy about slapping my butt when I was in her way or doing the wrong thing in her eyes either. One time my friend was just standing in a daze singing a Christmas song and was in Shelby's way when she when she was putting up decorations and Shelby goes "Get out of the way." and slapped HER on the butt. It wasn't really a hard slap but not the less it was a slap right on her butt. My friend didn't even bat an eye, she just kind of moved, but I couldn't believe she did that. I guess it was really nothing because girls (and probably guys) just do that. Shelby is one of those really controlling and dominant people and she just like actionary slaps you or punches you in the arm. But I can't get that image out of my mind.

So we got the house decorated and it's really beautiful. My friend and me kissed and stuff but not much else and then Shelby gave her a ride home while I cleaned up after. We were both horny and we had some spanking fun and made out. Okay, so Shelby had taken her buttplug out at some time but I guess she didn't wipe or something after and she had a bit of a poopy stain in her underwear. She didn't act embarrassed or anything about it. To be perfectly honest it REALLY turned me on. It was really amazing having sex and spanking each other and doing really nasty things with the living room dark but for the holiday lights and Christmas music playing.

Shelby went out after that and I went to pick up my friend again and we messed around. Mostly just laughed and stuff. She was going to spend the night, but she felt weird about it so I took her home. I spent the rest of the night drinking beer and masturbating. Okay so I said it. So what.

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[> Subject: Re: Thanksgiving

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 05:30:34 11/25/24 Mon

So first, Happy Thanksgiving everybody.

I just read again how Maddie's mom spanked her. I'm going home Tuesday afternoon and staying until Sunday. I've got this horrible, sickening feeling that my mom is going to spank me. I mean now that it's all out in the open and my mom knows that Shelby disciplines me and in the past few years my mom has made what I think are several warnings I'm scared to death that my mom is going to spank me. Pretty much all my life I wanted my mom to spank me, even in high school I'd get frustrated because I thought I should be punished but wasn't. But now, especially now that I know what a spanking is like and I don't really like it I'm scared to death that my mom is going to spank me.
I guess I better be on my best behavior because I don't want to find out. Do you think this is an irrational fear?

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[> [> Subject: Re: Thanksgiving

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 05:38:35 11/25/24 Mon

I do wonder though if Shelby's mom or my friend's mom is going to give them a spanking when they're home. I know Shelby got spanked growing up and even in college, we've talked about it. But I don't know if my friend ever got spanked. I think she did and maybe does, idk.

Did any college girls get spanked during the holidays?

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[> [> Subject: Re: Thanksgiving

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 05:44:59 11/25/24 Mon

And btw, I probably wont be on here much. I've got a LOT of chores to do to get things really, really clean fot Thanksgiving even know no one will be here, Shelby wants it immaculate and sparkling and everything done.

After that...FINALS. I have the feeling I wont be able to sit the entire month of December.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Thanksgiving

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 05:45:54 11/25/24 Mon

Shelby is REALLY STRICT about school.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Thanksgiving

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 04:44:12 12/01/24 Sun

Getting ready to head back. I guess my fears of my mom spanking me were unfounded.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Thanksgiving

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 04:48:52 12/01/24 Sun

I had a great time with my family and I behaved pretty good. What's funny though is I did miss the structure, rules, accountability and even the spankings I get from Shelby. I know it was only like 4 days but I missed Shelby.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Thanksgiving

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Date Posted: 08:48:20 12/01/24 Sun

Not to worry. Shelby missed you, too. Are you puzzled about how you could miss spanking but dread getting a mom spanking?

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Thanksgiving

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 04:52:30 12/02/24 Mon

Well, I mean it makes sense. When I was a kid or even a teen I was more than curious about spanking and the only people who had any realistic authority to do so were teachers and my mom. In the kid mind you think the teacher could give you a spanking so all kids kind of live in excitement and fear of their teacher spanking them, but in reality they have no authority to do so. That pretty much leaves mom. She made allusions to it but never made good on threats.
I mean, I dread a real whoopin from Shelby. REAL whoopins are not exactly how I fantasized about them. But being also kind of like my lover and play spankings like last night even know they might even end up hurting way worse that a real spanking, Idk, it's just different.

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[> Subject: Re: Back home and my butt hurts

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 04:42:18 12/02/24 Mon

But it hurts in a good way. After 4 or 5 days me and Shelby were mad horny and both of us had a hankerin for a spankerin. She insisted I had been a naughty girl at my parents house and I insisted I hadn't and she was getting us extremely hot by saying "Naughty girl. You were thinking about me getting spanked by my mom and playing with yourself, weren't you." Well, of course the answer was yes. And "You were fantasizing about your little girlfriend going over her mom's knees getting her little ass blistered weren't you." well again of course the answer was yes.

Shelby spanked me in every way in every position imaginable. I used my safe word several times I can NEVER remember my safe word when I'm getting a REAL whoopin when I really need it. My little bottom would heat up, cool down and heat up again. For over eating at Thanksgiving dinner I got suppositories. I didn't mind them going up and her finger exploring, but I didn't much care for having to hold them in forever with a buttplug. She said if I wore a diaper I could let it go, but no way. She wants to put me in a diaper, but I will have none of that. And on that subject, I'm not a fan of the diaper position getting a whoopin.

We also reversed roles and I gave Shelby some spankings too. I'm sure they didn't much burn her butt though. I convinced myself that over the holiday Shelby's mom gave her a whoopin. By the time I got her pants off she had dimmed the lights and I had already spanked her so I couldn't see any telltale signs of a whoopin. In a way that makes me even more convinced that her mom gave her a whoopin because she wouldn't let me see her butt in full light. I know I'm crazy but I'll just keep fantasizing about it. Kind of like when you buy a lottery ticket but you don't check the numbers because you want to keep the dream alive.

A year ago I would NEVER have actually done anything like this. I would think about it and see things or even get a little taste of the dark side but would remove myself from it before anything really nasty started to happen. In a way I feel really dirty about this transformation with Shelby. Maybe thats why my friend wont go too close to the edge with me.

We're going into the final few weeks of the semester and it's crunch time so with my professor friend taking on an even more dominant role and I'm sure reporting to Shelby and Shelby being a real bear about school work I'm preparing myself to not being able to sit till Christmas.

With babysitting jobs and being a spoiled little brat by my parents I've made a lot of money that I've blown on Christmas presents, so I'll probably be broke until spring.

So how was everybodies Thanksgiving? Did anybody get a whoopin? Did anybody need an enema?
Berryblue, Thea, Maddie, SJ, Mindy, Mandy, Aunt Nat, Moonica, Alfred...real people?

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[> [> Subject: Re: OHM

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 04:43:48 12/02/24 Mon

Sorry, I forgot to include you. Did YOU give any whoopins?

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[> [> Subject: Re: Back home and my butt hurts

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Date Posted: 07:52:34 12/02/24 Mon

Thanks for your good wishes Emmie Sue. I should point out that we don’t celebrate Thankgiving over here, but it's the thought that counts.

I need a butt to spank, I couldn't borrow yours for a day, I suppose!?

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Back home and my butt hurts

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 04:43:50 12/03/24 Tue

I was just saying in general. Maybe fireworks on Guy Fawkes Day.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Back home and my butt hurts

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 05:10:45 12/03/24 Tue

Instead of paying attention I watched how all the other students sat in my classes wondering if any of them had sore bottoms from getting spanked at home over the break, however brief it was. I got wet the minute I saw my friend. She's not really pretty, in fact she's maybe a little homely and maybe that's what turns me on even more about her.

After classes I took her home with me and we played around and had a gigglefest. Just teasing and in a subtle way digging for information I asked playfully "Did your mom give you a spanking?" her response surprised me because I don't know, she kind of retreated and gave me a weird look. So never learning my lesson I acted like her mom and pulled her across my lap and slapped her butt a few times. She actually seemed kind of offended by it, so I stopped playing that game. Thing is it makes me even more curious that maybe her mom really did give her a spanking. Maybe not, I don't know.

Okay, so she knows Shelby spanks me to punish me. We purposely did not make a mess and kept the leaving room clean. When Shelby came in she was pleasently surprised and said "The house is so clean. I wont have to punish anyone." I was shocked and pissed that she said that right out in the open. My friend kind of looked ashamed or something, maybe holding back some excitement maybe. I was just embarrassed. So we hung out a little bit and Shelby took her home while I made dinner. I kind of lit in to Shelby for saying that and her response was rather nonchalant. okay, my friend knows that Shelby spanks me, but this makes me wonder even more what she was doing here with Shelby that day. Thinking about her face when Shelby said that, it was like she knows what a spanking from Shelby is like. I know people on here have said just ask her, but you know there are just some things you don't just flat out ask someone.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Back home and my butt hurts

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 05:29:00 12/03/24 Tue

So another thing is, I wonder if my friend would purposely make a mess or do something to get me in trouble and know I'm going to get spanked for it.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Back home and my butt hurts

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 05:30:02 12/03/24 Tue

That would be kind of cool actually.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Thea, Berryblue, Moonica, Aunt Nat, Mindy, Mandy,

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 05:45:11 12/03/24 Tue

Would like your input.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Back home and my butt hurts

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 04:19:48 12/04/24 Wed

I was going to ramble in my usual incoherent way, but the first thing I read are people being mean on here and it's just like other forms of social media so I think I'll just stay off here today and just maybe write or draw or something.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Back home and my butt hurts

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Date Posted: 05:13:39 12/04/24 Wed

I think you let your fantasies interfere with reality, something I'm quite familiar with. I seriously doubt that Shelby got spanked over Thanksgiving, but there is a possibility that your friend did, but not likely. However, you might be surprised by how many college students and young adults actually do get spanked.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Back home and my butt hurts

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 05:07:22 12/05/24 Thu

Hi Maddie. Thank you very much for replying to me. You're probably right.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Back home and my butt hurts

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 05:34:09 12/05/24 Thu

I really wanted my friend to come over yesterday but it got really bad out so she just went back to her dorm after classes. It makes me wonder though, and maybe I'm just being paranoid, but it makes me wonder if maybe what Shelby said Monday she's scared to come over.
Anyway, I kind of lucked out because I got an emergency baby sitting job. It was too bad out to take her out, but we had a lot of fun playing board games and getting into mischief. We made a bit of a mess and the mom wasn't too pleased with us, but we cleaned it all up. I actually got paid extra for short notice.
Tbh, I wouldn't have been too upset if the mom had spanked me.

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[> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

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Date Posted: 07:28:50 12/05/24 Thu

Dear Emmie Sue,

Is the mom of the kid you babysit for a spanking mom? You should be able to just ask her. You can legitimately do this by wondering to her whether reports to her ever result in spankings. You could even share how some kids actually want to be normal and that can mean being a spanked kid.


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[> [> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 12:05:00 12/05/24 Thu

I don't know and I really don't want to know. I think she's too sweet to get a spanking anyway.

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[> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 04:43:37 12/09/24 Mon

On the Krampus thread I wrote this...
>I DID get all my schoolwork done and cleaned the house (except my apartment) and Shelby was very impressed. Unfortunately Shelby wasn't really in the mood for playing. But after dinner she did, kind of reluctantly give me a good girl Krampus spanking and we both got tasty treats. It wasn't quite the celebration I had hoped for, but it was fun for me and Shelby was very nice to accommodate even know she wasn't in the mood. And she let me sleep with her, so it was pretty good.<
I know Shelby wasn't in the mood for playing Thursday night, but she did and spanked me just enough to get my bottom all hot and make me horny and we played and cuddled (and did some nasty things) It was so sweet of her to do that even know she really wasn't in the mood for it.

Friday I had an appointment with my professor friend. I still get really nervous and feel stupid when we hang out, but it's getting better. It's been so cold and nasty, but me and my friend went to the parade Friday night. I wanted to take her home to warm her up and maybe have a sleepover, but she just wanted to go back to her dorm. Saturday I had a babysitting job, same kid. Again ugly outside but we stayed in and had fun and made a mess (We cleaned it up).
Yesterday was actually very nice out. I visited my older male friend. Took walks and went home. Finals are upon us. I'm in pretty good standing but I'm getting pressure from my mom, my professor friend and Shelby to 'hit those books'. I did get a naughty girl spanking. I don't think it was really warrented. I was actually studying when Shelby came down to my apartment. "How can anyone study in a mess like this?!!" I got that sinking feeling when she waved the hairbrush in my face and said "I am going to paddle your butt. Then we are going to clean this mess up. Then you're going to sit your sore little butt down and study your butt off!!" So pants and panties down, over her knees and she whooped me good with the hairbrush. It wasn't the worst I've ever had and probably not more than a minute or 2 but my bottom hurt like the Dickens (Christmas reference) and I cried my head off. Actually Shelby did most of the cleaning and took my clothes to wash while I just kind of stood there. Oh, but sitting on that hard chair at my desk on my burning bottom was probably the most unpleasant experience.

I might have mentioned this before or maybe someone else asked what I was thinking, but I wonder if a sore hot bottom helps you study and focus. Shelby has whooped me before for not studying and last year on those rare ocassions when I had the house to myself I self spanked before studying and also in high school and middle school. I find that with a burning bottom it helps me focus and stay on task and makes me more creative. I wonder if there's something to that. I wonder if there have been any studies done that link a good whoopin to studying better.
Your thoughts?

In a way I am really looking forward to going home for a month, but in a way I really don't want to be away from my present life. And I think Shelby will miss me. More on that later.

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[> [> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

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Date Posted: 08:21:54 12/10/24 Tue

If you have time, make up what you think should be on the test as questions. It is ok to assume that what you found interesting will be on it.

Good luck and there is some luck involved!


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[> [> [> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 05:33:27 12/11/24 Wed

That has always been my problem. I spend most of my time diving into the stuff that interest me but pretty much ignore the things that will probably end up on the test. Especially in history and related subjects. Then I freak when it's test time and my mind goes blank.

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[> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 05:49:58 12/10/24 Tue

It was very nice out yesterday and I wanted to play. I walked with my friend to my house making a stop at the park. I REALLY wanted to (pardon the expression) get into her pants. She was there to study and she YELLED at me. OMG, this shy awkward girl yelled at me.
Shelby got home and was impressed to see us studying. She sat down and wanted to see our notes. She approved of my friend's but when she looked at mine she said I wasn't concentrating and my studies were incomplete and random. "You need to do better. We'll talk about this later. RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY FRIEND! My mouth dropped. I felt utterly humiliated. My friend (maybe soon my former friend) had this look on her face like 1. embarrassment and 2. justification. She looked like "Yeah, you're gonna get a spanking and you deserve it"> Absolutely no sympathy at all. Shelby said she was going to take her home while I cleaned up and she would give us a few minutes. Well, I was kind of mad at her but we kissed passionately and she kind of grabbed and rubbed my butt, maybe in sort of preemptive sympathy.
Yes, after dinner I did get a spanking with the hairbrush and had to study while Shelby watched.

I have a final today. Wish me luck.

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[> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 05:04:34 12/16/24 Mon

Well, me and my poor little butt survived finals. Shelby made sure my little bottom was hot for over a week. It must have done the job because I did pretty well.

I have to go home now for a month and I have mixed feelings about it. I hope Shelby will be okay without me. I hope my friend gets spankings by her mom. Not really, but yes I do. I wont probably be on here much for a while so Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukka, happy Yule and Happy Holidays.

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[> [> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 05:41:34 12/17/24 Tue

I'm home 1 day and already I'm bored. I mean I really missed my mom and dad, but now I'm here and that's cool but I already miss Shelby and everything else. I feel so weird though. I know that I'd better behave and do all my chores and not break any rules or I'm gonna get it from Shelby. Here it's just like I can do anything I want and there are no consequences and no accountability. I don't mean to say I'm a spoiled brat and do anything I want to. My parents raised me pretty right and I never really got in much trouble, it's just that when you know you're going to get a whoopin if you 'misbehave', Idk, it's kind of comforting in a way I guess.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 05:47:10 12/17/24 Tue

I wonder if now my mom knows that Shelby whoops me if I did something really bad or was REALLY disrespectful to my mom if she would give me a whoopin. Not that I want to find out, but I wonder.

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[> [> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

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Date Posted: 06:06:45 12/17/24 Tue

You are a treasure, Miss Emmie Sue. We all love you.

It is highly likely that your naughty little bottom is going to get more than one spanking during this visit. Just dare your mom to make up for all the lost years of laissez faire non-spanking!

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 06:09:55 12/17/24 Tue

From my mom??? I hardly think so.

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[> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 19:08:40 12/17/24 Tue

Me and my mom did our favorite thing...
And even know I already pretty much got everybody presents, I just had to get more. My mom kind of got mad at me because I got money. She doesn't want me working when I'm in school. She thinks I've got a job and then questioned me about selling drugs. I was like "What???" No I am not selling drugs but I've done a lot of babysitting this semester and I saved it up for Christmas.
So any way me and my mom had fun shopping and my dad came home and we went to a quality Italian restaurant. So get this, my dad still has a VHS player. A lot of people my age don't even know what that is. We watched this movie about a this ne'er do well who lives in this mansion for Christmas. You may know this but I have 2 way older brothers who are buttheads and I'm not real close to, but I'm 'daddy's girl' and me and daddy and my mom, but mainly me and my daddy watched the movie.
Any way, it's really great to be back home and I really missed my parents but I really miss my other home too. I'm concerned that Shelby might be really sad with me not there.

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[> [> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

Aunt Nat
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Date Posted: 03:59:49 12/20/24 Fri

I believe the movie you're referring to is "It Happened On 5th Avenue".

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[> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

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Date Posted: 05:31:42 12/19/24 Thu

Hi Emmie Sue. I've been reading and following your story front to back with great interest. An incredible journey. You sound so adorably cute. One thing though, and I hope you don't take offense, it's just an observation. From reading I don't think Shelby spanks you very hard. Don't take this as a put down, alright, but I think maybe you over dramatize things. After all you have never been spanked before and I believe if Shelby gave you the severity of the spankings you describe you wouldn't be able to take it. I think maybe Shelby knows you have a little virgin bottom and have a fairly low tolerance, so she holds back and spanks you just enough for you to think you've been severely punished and she gets off on it. From reading I think you should feel yourself lucky to have not found yourself over your professor friend's knees, from the sound of it she has experience as a disciplinarian and you would very much regret your desires.

Please don't take this as a put down. Everyone has varying degrees of tolerance and what works for them works. What works for you works. You sound like such an adorable girl and just enough bratty.

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[> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 06:32:06 12/19/24 Thu

Oh no, I think you're wrong. Shelby spanks me VERY hard. She doesn't hold back at all and when she spanks me I cry my head off and I can barely sit down for like a day. Not overdramatizing.

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[> [> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

Aunt Nat
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Date Posted: 04:14:42 12/20/24 Fri

Emmie Sue, something tells me you'd cry your head off if you were spanked with a pillow, so Zoey may have a point. Doesn't matter though, if it's effective and you learn from it then it works for you.
Something tells me you may not be the only girl Shelby has spanked. She certainly knows what it's like from the other end and she seems to be well educated in the art of spanking to achieve the desired effect and the art of laying down and enforcing the rules.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 17:39:08 12/20/24 Fri

Zoey and Aunt Nat I think you're picking on me.

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[> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 12:01:59 12/22/24 Sun

I miss Shelby and believe it or not I miss her structure and her eyes over my shoulder and knowing I'll be punished if I don't meet her standards.

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[> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

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Date Posted: 07:24:47 12/23/24 Mon

Emmie Sue, you are indeed blessed to have so many loving and good persons in your life. You are missing or feeling the absence of some but you will have others at home. Appreciate and get to know them and do Praise the Lord for ALL your friends, including the multitude here on 243310!
Best wishes for the holidays.

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[> Subject: Re: My butt DOESN'T hurts

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 04:51:36 12/27/24 Fri

I am soooooooo bored at my parents house. No, but really we had a great Christmas eve and Christmas. I am really bored though. I did manage to get a babysitting job for Saturday though, so that will be a diversion.
I miss Shelby and everyone and everything in my adopted town. Every morning Shelby sends me a message that I better behave and to be a good girl ect. We text a lot just general chat but she also tells me stories about what she's going to do to me if I misbehave and other stuff making me all horny.

Sorry, not much to report.

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[> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 08:39:14 12/29/24 Sun

So, I babysat this kid last night and we had a lot of fun and made a HUGE mess and she crashed out in my lap. When the parents came home I think they were kind of shocked at the mess. I was hoping the mom would take me to her bedroom and give me a spanking. I was REALLY hoping she would. Sadly that didn't happen. I cleaned up a little and offered to stay and help clean up but the mom they paid me handsomely (I mean really handsomely) and sent me home. I was REALLY disappointed the mom didn't spank me. I don't know how I got it in my head that she would because that's ridiculous.

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[> [> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

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Date Posted: 09:19:31 01/15/25 Wed

I think you should be totally honest with your mother about where you stand on this issue. If you absolutely would resist and would not willingly accept being mom-spanked, then you better make this crystal clear to her. I have thought that she should spank you for smoking, for binge drinking, and for not being able to control your anger when disagreeing with her.

But before any such mom spankings are going to do you any good, you would have to consent to them. For some reason, you think you don't need them. If that does not change, then such spankings should not happen.

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[> Subject: Re: Almost, maybe

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 04:57:48 12/31/24 Tue

Last night me and my mom kind of got into it. I was right, but I admit I was being a little disrespectful and my mom said "Are you TRYING to push the envelope?" I knew what my mom was saying and I put my head down and said quietly "no." and walked away. Fortunately it didn't end like Anna's post "college girl spanked". I mean I wonder because now she knows Shelby punishes me and knows I have always had a need for discipline, but would my mom have REALLY given me a spanking? I doubt it, but I didn't want to find out. I'm pretty sure that's what she meant by 'push the envelope'.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Almost, maybe

Aunt Nat
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Date Posted: 06:30:45 12/31/24 Tue

I'd say you had a close one. Be sure to tell Shelby about this and I'm sure you'll have a reunion over her knees with a hot little bottom. Be good.
Happy New Year.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Almost, maybe

Anna to Aunt Nan
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Date Posted: 06:46:29 12/31/24 Tue

Aunt Nan,
Have you seen and spanked your college student during the holidays? If not, I am sure she will be ready for a good old fashion type spanking. I will be spanking my college age daughter today before she leaves to go back to campus.

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[> [> Subject: Re: The First

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Date Posted: 09:56:28 12/31/24 Tue

It is easy to see what is coming for our favorite current college student.

Your best plan is to admit to your mom that you know you have more than earned a good spanking and try to negotiate the details. Whose hairbrush, over what piece of furniture, how many spanks, what protective clothing, if any. ...

This way you can get ready and not be surprised.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: The First

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 04:35:13 01/01/25 Wed

Yeah, you wish. Not gonna happen.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: The First

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 08:33:58 01/02/25 Thu

My mom is NOT going to spank me. Even know the past 2 nights I've imbibed in the spirits and she was not all too happy about it, I am NOT and let me make this clear NOT going to get spanked by my mother. Of course I may have to answer to Shelby about some of my behavoirs over break it wont be my mom.

Aunt Nat, has your girl been naughty?

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: The First

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Date Posted: 06:47:46 01/03/25 Fri

Okay, it's not going to happen. That is clear. Deep inside, would you want it to happen?

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: The First

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 08:32:30 01/05/25 Sun

I did when I was younger, but now that since I've been in college, not so much.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Almost, maybe

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 05:04:06 01/03/25 Fri

Even know I love my parents and it's nice to be back in my old town and house and I've had a few babysitting jobs and met with a few old friends, I feel like a prisoner and I'm serving my sentence waiting and trying to be good until I've been freed. Most of my high school friends didn't come back for break, most have changed and we've lost contact, so it's really just me and my parents and messaging people from college. I think I've been really good and trying not to argue with my mom and trying to do work around the house and all, but I really miss Shelby and her rules and restrictions and her structure (and her love, not just the sex but the way she makes sure I don't act like a irresponsible kid with my best interest in mind because she cares about me).

Okay, sorry about the rant.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Almost, maybe

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 05:08:13 01/03/25 Fri

Me and Shelby haven't really talked about what happens after I graduate, but I think I might go for graduate school, but I'm not sure what happens at that point. I'm not really sure what will happen in the summer. I'm pretty sure my parents want me to move back and I don't know if Shelby will want me around after that.
Well that's I guess a worry for later. Sorry to bother you.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Almost, maybe

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Date Posted: 06:52:39 01/03/25 Fri

You may have already mentioned this somewhere. But how do you know she knows? Has she talked about it? Or is it just one of those thoughts you think is obvious?

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Almost, maybe

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 08:35:09 01/05/25 Sun

Well I've pretty much been outed anyway. My professor friend talked to my mom and I know my mom and Shelby have been talking since last summer.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Almost, maybe

Aunt Nat
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Date Posted: 04:59:52 01/06/25 Mon

So let's see...We're 5 days into the new year and you've been drunk twice and, as you put it 'high as fuck'. Maybe you had better slow it down a little and if your mother doesn't hold you accountable, I certainly hope Shelby does.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Almost, maybe

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 05:21:52 01/07/25 Tue

It's just the holidays and I'm celebrating a little and I'm bored. Nothing to be alarmed by. I wasn't really that drunk. I went to a couple parties, that's all.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Almost, maybe

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Date Posted: 06:56:15 01/07/25 Tue

This time period is when applications to graduate school are being filled out and transmitted. Talk to your professor friend over e-mail and see what she suggests for you. It will work best if you are admitted and with a work/study sort of financial aid package.

The better schools now either support you fully or don't admit you. Your school may allow some "walk-ons" to pay their own way. But such a school probably has trouble placing graduates with full-time jobs. So, you could borrow or otherwise fund admission to such a school but don't count on them to find you a job.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Almost, maybe

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 05:39:58 01/09/25 Thu

I know all that but thanks.

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[> Subject: Re: My butt DOES'NT hurts

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 04:56:28 01/17/25 Fri

But it soon will, ha ha.
Can't wait to see Shelby!!!

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[> [> Subject: Re: My butt DOES'NT hurts

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Date Posted: 06:18:22 01/17/25 Fri

Did you submit an application to continue your academic studies? There is usually a fee and it is that time. Later they may ask for a Late Application Fee. You clearly love learning AND being in some sort of program, at least part-time is kind of a gate-keeping condition for hanging out in the Uni world.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: My butt DOES'NT hurts

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 05:18:31 01/20/25 Mon

You're way late to the game.

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[> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

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Date Posted: 14:12:53 02/24/25 Mon

I'm caned once a month. I feel in my butt for about a week after.

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