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Subject: Re: Back home and my butt hurts

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 04:42:18 12/02/24 Mon
In reply to: Emmie Sue 's message, "My butt hurts" on 04:01:39 10/21/24 Mon

But it hurts in a good way. After 4 or 5 days me and Shelby were mad horny and both of us had a hankerin for a spankerin. She insisted I had been a naughty girl at my parents house and I insisted I hadn't and she was getting us extremely hot by saying "Naughty girl. You were thinking about me getting spanked by my mom and playing with yourself, weren't you." Well, of course the answer was yes. And "You were fantasizing about your little girlfriend going over her mom's knees getting her little ass blistered weren't you." well again of course the answer was yes.

Shelby spanked me in every way in every position imaginable. I used my safe word several times I can NEVER remember my safe word when I'm getting a REAL whoopin when I really need it. My little bottom would heat up, cool down and heat up again. For over eating at Thanksgiving dinner I got suppositories. I didn't mind them going up and her finger exploring, but I didn't much care for having to hold them in forever with a buttplug. She said if I wore a diaper I could let it go, but no way. She wants to put me in a diaper, but I will have none of that. And on that subject, I'm not a fan of the diaper position getting a whoopin.

We also reversed roles and I gave Shelby some spankings too. I'm sure they didn't much burn her butt though. I convinced myself that over the holiday Shelby's mom gave her a whoopin. By the time I got her pants off she had dimmed the lights and I had already spanked her so I couldn't see any telltale signs of a whoopin. In a way that makes me even more convinced that her mom gave her a whoopin because she wouldn't let me see her butt in full light. I know I'm crazy but I'll just keep fantasizing about it. Kind of like when you buy a lottery ticket but you don't check the numbers because you want to keep the dream alive.

A year ago I would NEVER have actually done anything like this. I would think about it and see things or even get a little taste of the dark side but would remove myself from it before anything really nasty started to happen. In a way I feel really dirty about this transformation with Shelby. Maybe thats why my friend wont go too close to the edge with me.

We're going into the final few weeks of the semester and it's crunch time so with my professor friend taking on an even more dominant role and I'm sure reporting to Shelby and Shelby being a real bear about school work I'm preparing myself to not being able to sit till Christmas.

With babysitting jobs and being a spoiled little brat by my parents I've made a lot of money that I've blown on Christmas presents, so I'll probably be broke until spring.

So how was everybodies Thanksgiving? Did anybody get a whoopin? Did anybody need an enema?
Berryblue, Thea, Maddie, SJ, Mindy, Mandy, Aunt Nat, Moonica, Alfred...real people?

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[> [> Subject: Re: OHM

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 04:43:48 12/02/24 Mon

Sorry, I forgot to include you. Did YOU give any whoopins?

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[> [> Subject: Re: Back home and my butt hurts

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Date Posted: 07:52:34 12/02/24 Mon

Thanks for your good wishes Emmie Sue. I should point out that we don’t celebrate Thankgiving over here, but it's the thought that counts.

I need a butt to spank, I couldn't borrow yours for a day, I suppose!?

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Back home and my butt hurts

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 04:43:50 12/03/24 Tue

I was just saying in general. Maybe fireworks on Guy Fawkes Day.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Back home and my butt hurts

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 05:10:45 12/03/24 Tue

Instead of paying attention I watched how all the other students sat in my classes wondering if any of them had sore bottoms from getting spanked at home over the break, however brief it was. I got wet the minute I saw my friend. She's not really pretty, in fact she's maybe a little homely and maybe that's what turns me on even more about her.

After classes I took her home with me and we played around and had a gigglefest. Just teasing and in a subtle way digging for information I asked playfully "Did your mom give you a spanking?" her response surprised me because I don't know, she kind of retreated and gave me a weird look. So never learning my lesson I acted like her mom and pulled her across my lap and slapped her butt a few times. She actually seemed kind of offended by it, so I stopped playing that game. Thing is it makes me even more curious that maybe her mom really did give her a spanking. Maybe not, I don't know.

Okay, so she knows Shelby spanks me to punish me. We purposely did not make a mess and kept the leaving room clean. When Shelby came in she was pleasently surprised and said "The house is so clean. I wont have to punish anyone." I was shocked and pissed that she said that right out in the open. My friend kind of looked ashamed or something, maybe holding back some excitement maybe. I was just embarrassed. So we hung out a little bit and Shelby took her home while I made dinner. I kind of lit in to Shelby for saying that and her response was rather nonchalant. okay, my friend knows that Shelby spanks me, but this makes me wonder even more what she was doing here with Shelby that day. Thinking about her face when Shelby said that, it was like she knows what a spanking from Shelby is like. I know people on here have said just ask her, but you know there are just some things you don't just flat out ask someone.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Back home and my butt hurts

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 05:29:00 12/03/24 Tue

So another thing is, I wonder if my friend would purposely make a mess or do something to get me in trouble and know I'm going to get spanked for it.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Back home and my butt hurts

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 05:30:02 12/03/24 Tue

That would be kind of cool actually.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Thea, Berryblue, Moonica, Aunt Nat, Mindy, Mandy,

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 05:45:11 12/03/24 Tue

Would like your input.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Back home and my butt hurts

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 04:19:48 12/04/24 Wed

I was going to ramble in my usual incoherent way, but the first thing I read are people being mean on here and it's just like other forms of social media so I think I'll just stay off here today and just maybe write or draw or something.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Back home and my butt hurts

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Date Posted: 05:13:39 12/04/24 Wed

I think you let your fantasies interfere with reality, something I'm quite familiar with. I seriously doubt that Shelby got spanked over Thanksgiving, but there is a possibility that your friend did, but not likely. However, you might be surprised by how many college students and young adults actually do get spanked.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Back home and my butt hurts

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 05:07:22 12/05/24 Thu

Hi Maddie. Thank you very much for replying to me. You're probably right.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Back home and my butt hurts

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 05:34:09 12/05/24 Thu

I really wanted my friend to come over yesterday but it got really bad out so she just went back to her dorm after classes. It makes me wonder though, and maybe I'm just being paranoid, but it makes me wonder if maybe what Shelby said Monday she's scared to come over.
Anyway, I kind of lucked out because I got an emergency baby sitting job. It was too bad out to take her out, but we had a lot of fun playing board games and getting into mischief. We made a bit of a mess and the mom wasn't too pleased with us, but we cleaned it all up. I actually got paid extra for short notice.
Tbh, I wouldn't have been too upset if the mom had spanked me.

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