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Subject: Re: My butt hurts

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Date Posted: 05:31:42 12/19/24 Thu
In reply to: Emmie Sue 's message, "My butt hurts" on 04:01:39 10/21/24 Mon

Hi Emmie Sue. I've been reading and following your story front to back with great interest. An incredible journey. You sound so adorably cute. One thing though, and I hope you don't take offense, it's just an observation. From reading I don't think Shelby spanks you very hard. Don't take this as a put down, alright, but I think maybe you over dramatize things. After all you have never been spanked before and I believe if Shelby gave you the severity of the spankings you describe you wouldn't be able to take it. I think maybe Shelby knows you have a little virgin bottom and have a fairly low tolerance, so she holds back and spanks you just enough for you to think you've been severely punished and she gets off on it. From reading I think you should feel yourself lucky to have not found yourself over your professor friend's knees, from the sound of it she has experience as a disciplinarian and you would very much regret your desires.

Please don't take this as a put down. Everyone has varying degrees of tolerance and what works for them works. What works for you works. You sound like such an adorable girl and just enough bratty.

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[> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 06:32:06 12/19/24 Thu

Oh no, I think you're wrong. Shelby spanks me VERY hard. She doesn't hold back at all and when she spanks me I cry my head off and I can barely sit down for like a day. Not overdramatizing.

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[> [> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

Aunt Nat
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Date Posted: 04:14:42 12/20/24 Fri

Emmie Sue, something tells me you'd cry your head off if you were spanked with a pillow, so Zoey may have a point. Doesn't matter though, if it's effective and you learn from it then it works for you.
Something tells me you may not be the only girl Shelby has spanked. She certainly knows what it's like from the other end and she seems to be well educated in the art of spanking to achieve the desired effect and the art of laying down and enforcing the rules.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 17:39:08 12/20/24 Fri

Zoey and Aunt Nat I think you're picking on me.

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