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Subject: Re: My butt DOESN'T hurts

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 04:51:36 12/27/24 Fri
In reply to: Emmie Sue 's message, "My butt hurts" on 04:01:39 10/21/24 Mon

I am soooooooo bored at my parents house. No, but really we had a great Christmas eve and Christmas. I am really bored though. I did manage to get a babysitting job for Saturday though, so that will be a diversion.
I miss Shelby and everyone and everything in my adopted town. Every morning Shelby sends me a message that I better behave and to be a good girl ect. We text a lot just general chat but she also tells me stories about what she's going to do to me if I misbehave and other stuff making me all horny.

Sorry, not much to report.

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[> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 08:39:14 12/29/24 Sun

So, I babysat this kid last night and we had a lot of fun and made a HUGE mess and she crashed out in my lap. When the parents came home I think they were kind of shocked at the mess. I was hoping the mom would take me to her bedroom and give me a spanking. I was REALLY hoping she would. Sadly that didn't happen. I cleaned up a little and offered to stay and help clean up but the mom they paid me handsomely (I mean really handsomely) and sent me home. I was REALLY disappointed the mom didn't spank me. I don't know how I got it in my head that she would because that's ridiculous.

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[> [> Subject: Re: My butt hurts

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Date Posted: 09:19:31 01/15/25 Wed

I think you should be totally honest with your mother about where you stand on this issue. If you absolutely would resist and would not willingly accept being mom-spanked, then you better make this crystal clear to her. I have thought that she should spank you for smoking, for binge drinking, and for not being able to control your anger when disagreeing with her.

But before any such mom spankings are going to do you any good, you would have to consent to them. For some reason, you think you don't need them. If that does not change, then such spankings should not happen.

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