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Subject: Re: Implement

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Date Posted: 04:16:40 01/07/25 Tue
In reply to: Karin_ven 's message, "Implement" on 01:00:43 01/07/25 Tue

My mother was a hand and hairbrush person. On very rare occasions for very severe offenses, I was punished by my father.

Punishments were always given naked and started with a long OTK hand spanking. That would quickly result in tears, snot, kicking, and lots of pleading and begging, which never resulted in anything positive for me.

Then she would pick up the hairbrush and really go to work. Hand spanks were moved around on my butt and thighs, but hairbrush spanks were given with between 4 and 8 (I think, I never counted) on the same spot which really caused me to howl in agony.

At some point I would just go limp bawling my eyes out and after I thought that the next swat would kill me, she would stop and let me up. I could (and would) dance, but was not allowed to rub before I was sent to the wall with my hands on my head to think about how all this could have been avoided.

The brush my mother would use was large and oval shaped. My grandmother used a smaller oval brush which was even worse. My grandmother was a spanking grandmaster and although her brush was smaller it hurt far worse than the one my mother used. It was particularly well suited for smacking my sit spots mercilessly.

For the rare occasions when I was spanked by my father, it was bent over the end of the couch and my mother would hold my hands so I could not reach back and protect myself. While the sting of the belt was worse than any hairbrush, the recovery time was less.

I have been spanked by aunts, uncles, neighbors, etc. and while the implement makes a difference, the skill of the person applying it makes a big difference. So does the position in which the spanking takes place. I got it twice in the legs up position which was the most painful spankings I have ever received.

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[> Subject: Re: Implement

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 05:08:10 01/07/25 Tue

Before I got spanked for real I self spanked. Probably as young as 8 or 9 I'd slap my butt to try to simulate the feeling of a real spanking. In my early teens when I had the house to myself I used different things around the house. A hairbrush, but it was hard to reach. I tried a belt but I couldn't really get a good whack from it. There was this wooden nut holder or something that was kind of like a paddle but it was hard to hit the right spots and when I did, boy did it hurt. I used electric cords and fuck that. My go to was a bathbrush. I could handle it pretty well and could reach my bottom, but IT HURT and I tended to go easy.

When I started getting REAL spankings they were so much different than self spankings. I thought Shelby's bare hand was torture, but the hairbrush is unbearable. I like the wooden spoon. It's what we use mostly when we're more like playing. I'm usually standing and don'y get me wrong, it stings but it's just in one spot and doesn't just hurt like a hairbrush. When I'm punished with the bathbrush, NO THANK YOU. I don't know if it's the wind velocity or what but it's way more fearsome than the hairbrush.

We have a paddle and a cane or rod or whatever, but we haven't used them and I hope we don't. I've heard stories.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Implement

Betty Jean
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Date Posted: 07:50:24 02/08/25 Sat

My mother has a paddle she uses which she uses on me. Someone made it for her and it hurts like blazes. Even over my jeans. It is horrible on my bare bottom. She keeps it on the wall in the pantey off of the kitchen.

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