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Subject: Implement

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Date Posted: 01:00:43 01/07/25 Tue

Spankings are often given with a implement, a woodenspoon, a hairbrush, the slipper, or a belt.
These are the household items which are often used.
There are also implements that are made for spankings, the paddle a cane a birch or a switch.

I was spanked by the hairbrush and a few times I got the belt, but mom always started by hand.
Spanked to tears by hand until I left home.
After that the hairbrush was put to work until I was a complete mess and felt very sorrie for myself.

That’s one way to spank.
But i talked to people that say we start and finish with a implement because the hand is ment to love, not to punish.
Second reason, we want tears from the start.
The impact should be very hard so it comes as a shock.

How are or where you spanked ? How do you spank ?

About 25 years ago when you wanted a implement for spanking you needed to go to the shop.
The first household items are in most households anyway.

Why would you want to buy a paddle, cane or a nine o tale, for example?

By the time I thought about using a implement I thought of a wooden hairbrush because that’s what was used on me and I knew it was very effective.
I looked around in shops to find one that was suitable in my opinion but I couldn’t find one.
Some how the subject came up when I was in my moms house.
My mom stood up went to the badroom and gave me the brush.
She said I hope you won’t be shy to use it, it did you a lot off good, I felt getting a very red head ☺️

Where did you get your implement?
Where you present when your parents bought it ?
Was it told that there was a new implement in the house, and where it would be used for ?

Final question, what was used in your family or what do you use ?

I hope the subject interests you

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[> Subject: Re: Implement

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Date Posted: 04:16:40 01/07/25 Tue

My mother was a hand and hairbrush person. On very rare occasions for very severe offenses, I was punished by my father.

Punishments were always given naked and started with a long OTK hand spanking. That would quickly result in tears, snot, kicking, and lots of pleading and begging, which never resulted in anything positive for me.

Then she would pick up the hairbrush and really go to work. Hand spanks were moved around on my butt and thighs, but hairbrush spanks were given with between 4 and 8 (I think, I never counted) on the same spot which really caused me to howl in agony.

At some point I would just go limp bawling my eyes out and after I thought that the next swat would kill me, she would stop and let me up. I could (and would) dance, but was not allowed to rub before I was sent to the wall with my hands on my head to think about how all this could have been avoided.

The brush my mother would use was large and oval shaped. My grandmother used a smaller oval brush which was even worse. My grandmother was a spanking grandmaster and although her brush was smaller it hurt far worse than the one my mother used. It was particularly well suited for smacking my sit spots mercilessly.

For the rare occasions when I was spanked by my father, it was bent over the end of the couch and my mother would hold my hands so I could not reach back and protect myself. While the sting of the belt was worse than any hairbrush, the recovery time was less.

I have been spanked by aunts, uncles, neighbors, etc. and while the implement makes a difference, the skill of the person applying it makes a big difference. So does the position in which the spanking takes place. I got it twice in the legs up position which was the most painful spankings I have ever received.

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[> Subject: Re: Implement

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 05:08:10 01/07/25 Tue

Before I got spanked for real I self spanked. Probably as young as 8 or 9 I'd slap my butt to try to simulate the feeling of a real spanking. In my early teens when I had the house to myself I used different things around the house. A hairbrush, but it was hard to reach. I tried a belt but I couldn't really get a good whack from it. There was this wooden nut holder or something that was kind of like a paddle but it was hard to hit the right spots and when I did, boy did it hurt. I used electric cords and fuck that. My go to was a bathbrush. I could handle it pretty well and could reach my bottom, but IT HURT and I tended to go easy.

When I started getting REAL spankings they were so much different than self spankings. I thought Shelby's bare hand was torture, but the hairbrush is unbearable. I like the wooden spoon. It's what we use mostly when we're more like playing. I'm usually standing and don'y get me wrong, it stings but it's just in one spot and doesn't just hurt like a hairbrush. When I'm punished with the bathbrush, NO THANK YOU. I don't know if it's the wind velocity or what but it's way more fearsome than the hairbrush.

We have a paddle and a cane or rod or whatever, but we haven't used them and I hope we don't. I've heard stories.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Implement

Betty Jean
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Date Posted: 07:50:24 02/08/25 Sat

My mother has a paddle she uses which she uses on me. Someone made it for her and it hurts like blazes. Even over my jeans. It is horrible on my bare bottom. She keeps it on the wall in the pantey off of the kitchen.

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[> Subject: Re: Implement

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Date Posted: 05:10:10 01/08/25 Wed

It was the dreaded hairbrush for my sister and me. And of course, panties down every time.

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[> Subject: Re: Implement

Bailey Dale
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Date Posted: 21:03:33 01/08/25 Wed

Growing up I got spanked with a paddle that was kept hanging on the wall in the hallway. My grandpa made it from a scrap piece of wood and it had holes drilled in it for better airflow.

When switches were used I was sometimes sent outside to select and prepare my own switch. Sometimes my mom would go out and get it or use one that my brother or sister had cut if they had recently been spanked. Switches tend to dry out after a few days and will break if used, so they weren't kept around very long.

I was also spanked with a belt a few times, and got a ruler on the palm of my hand once.

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[> Subject: Re: Implement

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Date Posted: 01:47:28 01/09/25 Thu

Sinc age 9 my 3 girls have been spanked wit moms dreaded hairbrush. My hairbrush the same one my mom used to tame my bottom, a Fuller Brush. Gives a nice red bottom and a sting that will be remembered for some time. Of course, there is the dance that follows that tells mom that the spanking was a GOFS...

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[> Subject: Re: Implement

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Date Posted: 04:19:42 01/09/25 Thu

Regardless of how much the spankings themselves hurt, my most horrible experience was when I was forced to go to the basket maker with my mum to buy my first cane when I was 12. I had to tell the shop owner exactly what I needed and for what, and then pay for the cane myself out of my pocket money. The people in the shop were amused, some laughed out loud and made jokes. I stuttered and stammered until my mum slapped me in the face.
And when the basket maker had fetched a few suitable ones, I had to bend down (fingers to toes) so that my mum could try out the canes for practice. I didn't have to pull my trousers down, thank goodness, but I died of embarrassment. Everyone in the neighbourhood now knew that Radka was now getting her spankings with a cane. And it wasn't long before my classmates knew too.
This procedure was repeated every one and a half to two years.
As I said, it was an experience more terrible than any caning. But by the way, the cane is also the worst thing I've ever felt on my bottom.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Implement

Alfred22 for Radka
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Date Posted: 15:07:07 01/11/25 Sat

Trousers help a tiny bit but the cane is well-known to burn right through even heavy winter trousers. I and almost everyone totally agrees with you when you assert that the cane is the worst.

What were the differences among the sample canes that your mom "tested" on poor Radka's tight bum? Did they all feel the same to you? Or did one "stand out" as especially stingy?

When you got back home with your new friend, the cane, did you look in the mirror at your striped bottom?

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Implement

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Date Posted: 03:22:42 01/13/25 Mon

Well, back in the shop I didn't get ‘punishment strokes’, I got ‘trial strokes’. It was more about whether my mum felt comfortable with him at her end of the cane, and less about the feeling at my end. The fact that the latter neither felt good nor should feel good when used seriously is the real point of using a cane anyway.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Implement

Alfred22 for Radka
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Date Posted: 08:14:37 01/13/25 Mon

What was the result of the basket shop visit? How many canes did your mum find to be satisfactory and worthy of purchase?

Often length is a distinguishing feature. Size does matter as the saying goes, especially diameter and length. Since you were just beginning your years of eligibility, her target was narrow and she was most likely putting shorter canes on "trial."

So, assuming that your household had several eligible children, each with her or his own cane, how did she distinguish them at home?

The purchase visit must have been quite unpleasant for you, even if the trial or demo strokes were not given at full intensity. I do feel your pain. Even one cane stroke produces an enduring memory.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Implement

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Date Posted: 02:24:49 01/14/25 Tue

In the end I(!) only bought the one that my mum found the most comfortable to handle. It will have been 6mm thick (what they call a junior cane in the UK) and probably about 70cm long. As the oldest of four, back then I was actually the only 'eligible one' (the translation in Czech sounds as if you are entitled to something really great and wonderful). Later on, there were even three different canes in my parents' household at times, when I got my canings with a 10mm cane from the age of 15, my youngest brother still with the 6mm cane and the two middle siblings with an 8mm cane. So we didn't have personal obedient makers, but rather a cane strength for each of the specific physical stages of development we were currently in. And these are/were easy to tell apart. (There don't seem to be many ways to name a cane in English. Do you have any suggestions so that the word 'cane' doesn't keep repeating itself?)

Since I don't remember the physical pain of the test strokes in the shop, it can't have been particularly bad, even though it was my first experience with the cane-assisted style of parental correction. It was this feeling of having been paraded in front of everyone - my naughtiness and my punishment as an amusing spectacle for strangers who happened to be present. This humiliation has burned itself into my brain more than the possible pain in my bum.

So we spared our children this part of the punishment - not least because I wouldn't even know where to find the nearest basket maker any more... ;-)

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Implement

Alfred22 for Radka
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Date Posted: 09:04:30 01/15/25 Wed

Where do parents in the Czech Republic obtain their spanking implements if basket makers have disappeared?

Multipurpose implements such as the belt and the hairbrush are readily available at clothing stores and chain drugstores. But single purpose, for spanking only or primarily, implements might require an online only source.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Implement

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Date Posted: 21:35:56 01/15/25 Wed

In Czech Republic, hairbrushes were never that much used as spanking implements, but belts are traditional -- and so are kitchen wooden spoons.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Implement

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Date Posted: 07:39:37 01/14/25 Tue

In English I would use either an adjective such as "judicial" or "massive" for the monster 10 mm cane. For the 6 mm cane various qualification adjectives come to mind but "junior" or "beginners" perhaps.

I have some experience with an 8 mm bamboo cane and I would describe it as "the amazingly thuddy" cane. It barely flexes at all. Bamboo is notoriously prone to shatter into nearly razor sharp pieces but this cane has lasted forever. It must be nearly 50! Admittedly it is not used very often and then only very sparingly.

Since you have access to rattan or yew, I suspect, you can name your 8 mm, the "happy mediusm" or "the Golden Mean" cane -- "not too thick and not too thin,:

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Implement

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Date Posted: 23:51:38 01/14/25 Tue

Thank you Alfred. However, I was thinking more of terms for the cane itself. You remember that in Czech we like to say ‘artist / expert’ to the cane (do you want to be good, or do you need the expert first?). Or also obedient-maker. But you can also just call it a stick without losing the meaning.

In English, I find the possible alternatives (stick, rod, club) all somehow inappropriate, but of course this could also be due to my understanding of the language.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Implement

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Date Posted: 07:37:02 01/15/25 Wed

"You remember that in Czech we like to say ‘artist / expert’ to the cane (do you want to be good, or do you need the expert first?)."

I'm Czech and I've literally never heard using "expert" for a cane.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Implement

Claudia for Radka
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Date Posted: 09:05:30 01/19/25 Sun

Hello Radka, are you same Radka from CZ like the one on Quora? but this Radka on Quora is 21 I think, how old are you?


And are you the same Radka like in this voy forum?


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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Implement

Karin @ Radka
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Date Posted: 08:32:10 01/22/25 Wed

hello Radka, do you have kids too and if so, how old? Do you use the cane at home and since what age?

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Implement

Alfred22 for Marek and Radka
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Date Posted: 08:37:23 01/15/25 Wed

Personification of implements seems fine. I have a friend who would see the family spanking paddle in the closet where it was kept and say to it "Ha. Ha. You aren't going to get me today!" Another professional musician friend calls her cello "Mister S."

Frequently spanking paddles will come with names/descriptions/purposes in big letters on them. Most notorious are the ones saying "For the cute little deer with the bear behind!" More common are "Attitude Adjuster." Lately people have mentioned "Obedience Improver/Obedient Maker."

The terms or names "the artist" or "the expert" seem very useful and suggestive of the influence even one cane stroke can have on one's mental attitude or mood. Long ago a bubble gum cartoon had this dialogue:

Kid 1: "A great artist can change a smile to a frown with a single brush stroke."
Kid 2: " That's no bid deal, so can my Mom!"

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Implement

Alfred22 for Ms. Radka
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Date Posted: 08:51:39 01/15/25 Wed

Here are some names for the three different diameter/length canes your family employed:
6mm cane: The Apprentice
8mm cane: The Master
10mm cane: The Judge

I am hoping that any children in your current family never graduate beyond an occasional touch of The Apprentice. I am confident that a sample stroke and a firm warning should more than suffice to promote a better mood and a strong interest in being cooperative and obedient.

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[> Subject: Re: Implement

Lexie wheeler
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Date Posted: 07:23:11 01/19/25 Sun

My mom used a wooden spoon a lot for quick on the spot correction. We would have to go into the kitchen and get it and bring it to her then bend over the counter or back of the couch. More serious offenses she would use her hairbrush which was an antique that had been given to her by her grandmother. It was kept in her dresser and we would have to go and get that as well and bring it to her.
Dad just used the belt he was wearing most of the time but there was also a strap that was used occasionally and it was a wide piece of billet tack that was cut to size and used just for spanking.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Implement

Beth Swikart
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Date Posted: 09:21:19 01/19/25 Sun

For quick on the spot spanking it was just with the hand standing up or bending over. For more serious it was the paddle.or the belt laying on the bed.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Implement

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Date Posted: 09:39:24 01/19/25 Sun

Who gave you your spankings?

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Implement

Beth Swikart
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Date Posted: 10:06:40 01/19/25 Sun

My parents until 16.the majority was between 8 and 10

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Implement (years of most applications)

Alfred22 for Beth S.
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Date Posted: 15:56:15 01/22/25 Wed

Very interesting that your busiest years over the lap were between 8 and 10 rather than later. Did any big events in your family life occur then?

I moved to another city when I was 8 1/2 and that definitely greatly increased my chances of feeling the yardstick. The advice from the mom whom my mother liked to mention used the hairbrush still was cited but almost all the other kids on the block either weren't spanked or, like my best friends, got it with a strap or a folded double belt.

My mother had a belt phobia and was never going to whip her son. But I definitely can relate to an 8 to 10 period of many spankings. Had you been upgraded to the paddle by then?

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[> [> Subject: Re: Implement

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Date Posted: 10:13:22 01/19/25 Sun

I got my last one at 16 also!

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Implement

Beth Swikart
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Date Posted: 18:05:57 01/19/25 Sun

I am single mother with twins. Who are 7.I know you said your husband spanks you both for punishment and foreplay. Do you have kids and if yes are they spanked

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Implement

Lexie wheeler
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Date Posted: 20:43:33 01/19/25 Sun

Yes we do have kids2 daughters17 and 13. They were spanked when they were younger but don’t need it much now. They do not know that I am spanked by their dad. We keep it private.

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[> Subject: @ Karin_ven

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Date Posted: 05:55:55 01/26/25 Sun

Karin, you are from the Netherlands?

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[> [> Subject: Re: @ Karin_ven

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Date Posted: 07:17:11 01/26/25 Sun

Yes jam, but I live in Belgium.
I was born in the area of Eindhoven.

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[> [> Subject: Re: @ Karin_ven

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Date Posted: 09:45:48 01/26/25 Sun

How fortunate you are to live near Bruges and Ghent and some of the world's greatest art!

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: @ Karin_ven

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Date Posted: 14:30:33 01/26/25 Sun

Thank you, I fully agree Belgium and the Netherlands have great museums I love visiting them.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: @ Karin_ven

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Date Posted: 04:19:17 01/30/25 Thu

I'm from Lower Saxony in Germany. It's not that far.

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[> Subject: Re: Implement

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Date Posted: 05:45:09 01/29/25 Wed

I was spanked very differently by my parents. My mom spanked much more frequently but more reasonably; spankings from my dad were much less frequently, but when they happened they were totally chaotic and terrifying. I was always spanked clothed with the hand but with my dad that was still an intense experience as he was extremely muscular, able to bench press more than twice his bodyweight well into his 60s.

My mom spanked me multiple times a week, sometimes multiple times a day; it was very much her first-line response to undesirable behavior. Usually it just an impromptu string of fast swats with me standing up; that would hurt for a few minutes to a couple of hours afterward depending on length and intensity, and just be enough to let me know she disapproved. Sometimes for more significant things like lying or direct defiance it was more intense, like five or ten minutes straight over the knee with real force. She could make me cry and make it still hurt into the next day if she wanted to. But it was always for some intelligible reason and I never resented her for it even if I thought it was excessive or didn’t think I had really done something wrong. It always felt like it was supposed to be a lesson or correction; it always felt like love.

My dad, however, would just explode out of nowhere, 0 to 100 in one second. It would be total unmitigated rage often with no obvious reason, or for very minor reasons, like speaking while he was watching the news or not eating my vegetables or practicing the piano when he wanted to read. With him it never felt like discipline, it felt like punishment for existing, for disturbing his peace. He spanked over the clothes but it would leave deep bruises that would sometimes last two weeks and would make me shake and shiver in terror for days afterwards when I replayed it in my mind. I developed massively dysfunctional coping mechanisms to make sense out of all of this that I’m trying to unpack in my 40s. An implement isn’t necessary to drive home a message or to royally bring about dysfunction.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Implement

Louise Vancisic Vancisic
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Date Posted: 10:29:53 01/29/25 Wed

Hi S. Are you male or female? Why would you be spanked multiple times in a day? Did your mom spank you over your clothes also?

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Implement

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Date Posted: 04:02:56 01/30/25 Thu

Male, always clothed unless I was already naked for some reason.Spankings were for pretty much anything you could do wrong—being late, not doing what you were told, not doing it fast enough, expressing good preferences (this was probably the number one reason actually), talking out of turn, being loud, watching tv too long, complaining, bad grades, listening to music too loudly. Those are all things I’d get a minor impromptu spanking for. Of course I’d get spanked for things like lying or swearing too, and those would be much longer and more intense spankings.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Implement

Louise Vancisic Vancisic
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Date Posted: 07:51:28 02/01/25 Sat

Did those spankings cause you to cry?

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[> [> Subject: Re: Implement

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Date Posted: 07:31:53 02/09/25 Sun

Yes, at least most of them. There were some minor spankings that were just like quick swats to say “no, don’t do that,” and those didn’t make me cry, but any of the spankings that lasted more than a minute or two would definitely draw some tears. There was a range though. Sometimes it would be like a few tears and whimpers that lasted maybe half an hour and then I was fine; longer and more intense sessions could make me cry long enough to seem like that was the whole afternoon.

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