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Subject: Re: Did any other girls get whipped with a belt/strap growing up?

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Date Posted: 11:28:41 01/19/25 Sun
In reply to: Lexiewheeler 's message, "Re: Did any other girls get whipped with a belt/strap growing up?" on 10:38:35 01/19/25 Sun

I would be terrified if I had to walk to the barn for a spanking, especially if I knew I would be told to pull down my pants and panties out there so I could be spanked on my bare butt with the leather strap. I would be crying before I even got there. When you were walking to the barn and crying were you asking your dad not to spank you or would it have been a waste of time and have made it worse?

That must have been super embarrassing seeing all the people working outside see you being marched to the barn by your daddy or grandpa while you were crying and looking frightened and you knowing that everyone working outside was going to hear your bare bottom spanking. They all must have heard the spanks on your bare skin and your crying. I bet everyone stopped to listen. I would have stopped to listen.

Did your dad or grandpa administer a lot of spanks? Did you have to pull your clothes back up right after your spanking or could you wait a little bit until your bottom didn't hurt so much so you could walk back and not have tears in your eyes. I would be super super embarrassed to walk back knowing that everyone around had just heard me crying loudly while my daddy whipped my bare bottom.

How old were you when you got spanked in the barn the first time? How old were you when you got your last spanking in the barn?

I don't think I could ever take a spanking when bending over and grabbing my knees with my panties down. Spankings hurt too much and I kick and scream too much and would want to jump up all the time and rub my burning bare butt. Did you ever jump up and rub your bare butt when you were being spanked bent over holding your knees?

Did your dad ever spank any of your friends? It would have been really scary being your friend and being marched to the barn with you so your daddy could give us both bare bottom spankings to blisters and burning red hot. I would have definitely done the spanking dance after being spanked with you by your daddy.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Did any other girls get whipped with a belt/strap growing up?

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Date Posted: 11:46:54 01/19/25 Sun

I would be blubbering long before the spanking started. I would always beg not to be spanked but I knew it was useless. I still did it though! The second I was told I was getting spanked I would start crying and pleading.

It was extremely humiliating walking down crying and pleading for mercy. The lecture on the way there made it much worse especially when they would say they were gonna whip me, blister my butt etc out loud where others could hear. No doubt everyone knew what was about to happen and they definitely knew what was happening during. I’m sure the whole ranch could hear me getting my butt strapped. I heard my brothers getting it plenty of times and I know I cried a lot louder. I’d be wailing and sobbing by the time it was over.

Dad was a rapid fire spanker and he gave 25-30 depending on the offense. Grandpa always gave more but there was never a set number. He spanked until the lesson was learned.

As soon as it was over I’d be told to stand up and get my pants back up. Then I’d get another lecture and a hug and be sent back to play or do chores. That was terribly embarrassing to have to go and face everyone and work with them right after.

I was about 9-10 when I got my first strapping for wandering where I knew I wasn’t supposed to be on our property. Last one was at 16 for lying to my dad.

Bending over holding your knees is a very painful position and it was always hard to stay still. Dad was always telling me to bend back over and stick my bottom back out.

No he never whipped any of my friends but my grandad whipped my cousin and I one after the other once.

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