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Subject: Re: Implement

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Date Posted: 05:45:09 01/29/25 Wed
In reply to: Karin_ven 's message, "Implement" on 01:00:43 01/07/25 Tue

I was spanked very differently by my parents. My mom spanked much more frequently but more reasonably; spankings from my dad were much less frequently, but when they happened they were totally chaotic and terrifying. I was always spanked clothed with the hand but with my dad that was still an intense experience as he was extremely muscular, able to bench press more than twice his bodyweight well into his 60s.

My mom spanked me multiple times a week, sometimes multiple times a day; it was very much her first-line response to undesirable behavior. Usually it just an impromptu string of fast swats with me standing up; that would hurt for a few minutes to a couple of hours afterward depending on length and intensity, and just be enough to let me know she disapproved. Sometimes for more significant things like lying or direct defiance it was more intense, like five or ten minutes straight over the knee with real force. She could make me cry and make it still hurt into the next day if she wanted to. But it was always for some intelligible reason and I never resented her for it even if I thought it was excessive or didn’t think I had really done something wrong. It always felt like it was supposed to be a lesson or correction; it always felt like love.

My dad, however, would just explode out of nowhere, 0 to 100 in one second. It would be total unmitigated rage often with no obvious reason, or for very minor reasons, like speaking while he was watching the news or not eating my vegetables or practicing the piano when he wanted to read. With him it never felt like discipline, it felt like punishment for existing, for disturbing his peace. He spanked over the clothes but it would leave deep bruises that would sometimes last two weeks and would make me shake and shiver in terror for days afterwards when I replayed it in my mind. I developed massively dysfunctional coping mechanisms to make sense out of all of this that I’m trying to unpack in my 40s. An implement isn’t necessary to drive home a message or to royally bring about dysfunction.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Implement

Louise Vancisic Vancisic
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Date Posted: 10:29:53 01/29/25 Wed

Hi S. Are you male or female? Why would you be spanked multiple times in a day? Did your mom spank you over your clothes also?

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Implement

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Date Posted: 04:02:56 01/30/25 Thu

Male, always clothed unless I was already naked for some reason.Spankings were for pretty much anything you could do wrong—being late, not doing what you were told, not doing it fast enough, expressing good preferences (this was probably the number one reason actually), talking out of turn, being loud, watching tv too long, complaining, bad grades, listening to music too loudly. Those are all things I’d get a minor impromptu spanking for. Of course I’d get spanked for things like lying or swearing too, and those would be much longer and more intense spankings.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Implement

Louise Vancisic Vancisic
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Date Posted: 07:51:28 02/01/25 Sat

Did those spankings cause you to cry?

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[> [> Subject: Re: Implement

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Date Posted: 07:31:53 02/09/25 Sun

Yes, at least most of them. There were some minor spankings that were just like quick swats to say “no, don’t do that,” and those didn’t make me cry, but any of the spankings that lasted more than a minute or two would definitely draw some tears. There was a range though. Sometimes it would be like a few tears and whimpers that lasted maybe half an hour and then I was fine; longer and more intense sessions could make me cry long enough to seem like that was the whole afternoon.

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