Subject: Marcy ... Re: Maddie ... Re: Enema use with spanking or without for well being ? |
Author: Mork and Mindy
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Date Posted: 09:30:41 03/08/25 Sat
In reply to:
Mork and Mindy
's message, "Maddie ... Re: Enema use with spanking or without for well being ?" on 09:09:12 03/08/25 Sat
Hi Marcey
You wrote on New Years Day. I'll put that post below.
What you experienced is far beyond anything I experienced when I had an enema with a spanking growing up, or the way I've used them myself.
Those enemas were given with an enema bulb, or with a bag, mostly just the way they'd be for another reason. With firmness that sufficient had to be taken and held for a good result, but also caringly and with compassion. It had to be done, so it was done. I never had, or used, corner time and I've thought using an enema along with a spanking was somewhat similar. A way of putting a big exclamation mark on the discipline event.
I'm sorry your enemas were so unpleasant. I suspect a more loving enema would have been as effective.
Aside from with a spanking did your mother give you enemas for other reasons?
Here's what you wrote:
I have been a lurker for a long time, but this posting drew me out.
My mother used enemas as the ultimate add on punishment. Her philosophy was an enema was a good addition when extra punishment beyond a spanking was necessary. The purpose of the enema was to cause discomfort, embarrassment, and distress and I must admit it worked on all of those levels the few times I received one.
The who process started with very long, very hard naked spanking in the family. Like all spankings, they could be witnessed by whomever was present, which usually include my sister and two brothers who enjoyed watching the show.
If an enema was going to be given, my mother concentrated a great number of spanks with her bath brush on what she called the “ring of fire.” This was kind of a circular area on your butt and upper thighs that would come in contact with the toilet seat when you made a very panicked and urgent sitting. Plopping your butt down in a panic to relieve yourself was a very painful endeavor that there was no escaping.
After my spanking which left my butt very deep red I was dragged to the upstairs bathroom. Witnesses to the enema were really not allowed, but if someone wanted to stand outside of the open door they could see the whole process and gloat over the agony of the recipient.
My mother made me watch fill the enema bag with hot soapy water and hang it high from the shower curtain rod. Then I had to get into a position where my head was down on the floor and my butt was high in the air, which showed everything to cause incredible embarrassment. That was particularly true if I could see any of my siblings glancing in at my predicament with a smirk on their faces.
The nozzle that was used had a golf ball sized bulb at the end that my mother greased up with soap and pushed into my rear causing incredible distress and made me cry. Then she started the water which gushed into my bowels and caused horrible cramps and pressure. No matter how much I begged and pleaded she never slowed the down the water flow until the bag was empty.
When the bag was empty I would be crying up a storm from embarrassment and distress from the enema. She would close off the clamp and make me stand in front of thee toilet with my hands on my head and endure the pressure and the agonizing cramps. Twice I had to hold it for five minutes, once I had to hold it for 10 minutes which was sheer torment. Then I would have to bend over, and she would pull the nozzle out of my butt and I would immediately and urgently sit down and usually let out a howl as sitting on a freshly spanked butt on a hard toilet seat was miserable.
Then to make things worse, she would take the bar of soap that she used to make the enema and push it my mouth and fill a glass of water that I could use to rinse on the other side of the room on the sink.
There were several times that I thought I was done releasing and tried to get to the sink to remove the soap and rinse my mouth, but after a few steps I had to make a rapid return to the toilet.
Eventually I was drained and could get the soap out of my mouth, but the taste of soap lingered for a long time and so did the terrible stomach cramps on top of a very sore butt.
Clearly the worst, but effective punishment in my mother’s arsenal.
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