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Subject: Re: Puffy eyes

Karin_ven to Alfred
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Date Posted: 14:41:58 03/08/25 Sat
In reply to: Karin_ven 's message, "Puffy eyes" on 02:08:43 03/02/25 Sun

I never talked to kids that where spanked at home.
Nobody opens up about it in my area.
Like I said there is a big taboo over it.
But offcours when it happens in our family there must be more families that spank.

But unlike in your country there is no open structure from school or church that are pro spanking.
I know the more northern states don’t agree with it, but still 19 states allow cp in school.
When I talk to people online they tell me me it’s much more common then over here, and that its no secret kids get it in school and at home.
I must say that I envy you over it.
CP is used for centuries all over the world, suddenly its abuse, perhaps I was born to late.
Don’t get me wrong I hatet getting spanked, but looking back it was honoust deserved clear .

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[> [> Subject: Re: Puffy eyes

Alfred22 for Karin_ven
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Date Posted: 18:41:16 03/08/25 Sat

Here's an interesting take on why spanking of real kids is spoken about sotto voce or in a low and quiet voice: for consenting adults spanking can be fun and erotic.

These adult spankings are almost always controlled by the recipient. I am sure you remember that your parental spankings were NOT in or under your control. You could not say Slow Down or Yellow Light (meaning I am getting close to my hard limit).

The world has now discovered that spanking has this dimension. The effects of this discovery are complicated but it has made parental spanking of real children seem too similar to adult fun spankings.

Reality Check: Punishment spankings work for any age.

But I have known only a few adults who felt so sure of their parenting skills that they could distinguish when someone truly needed and would benefit from a spanking. AND that they could defend giving that person the spanking as the best parenting they could offer.

Most parents who are aware of adult DD with spanking lack the confidence in their own judgment and so to play it safe, they avoid ALL spankings of persons, including persons in their own families.

I think this is an over-reaction. For some kids, it is no favor to ground them and spoil what may be some of the best weekends of their lives. A moderate or safe or tolerable spanking that carries a clear message is likely to be a better choice for many, even one they themselves would endorse.

I suspect but probably can't prove that the truly liberated and modern parent could be up-front about all the aspects of spanking including its fantasy uses for masturbation AND still use it to emphasize parental disapproval of inappropriate behavior.

As some evidence in favor of my view I would cite several articulate posters on this very forum! Many here spank, generally infrequently, but I am sure no one here is at all guilty of spanking for their own pleasure.

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