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Subject: Re: An older cub scout

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Date Posted: 10:47:41 11/16/15 Mon
In reply to: James 's message, "Re: An older cub scout" on 03:32:58 11/16/15 Mon

It was an arrangement Mummy had with Akela to make me more responsible. They agreed that I should wear the cub uniform despite my age so I would not get above my station, whatever that meant. They also agreed on the importance of making sure that my grey shorts were as small and fitting as possible to give the correct young look. My shorts were considered healthy and convenient for cub activities. The fact that they barely covered my buttocks was neither here nor there. Nor the fact that I was 5 years older than the oldest cub.
The most humiliating aspect of the arrangement was that my mother had agreed with Akela that to stop me getting above my station that I should be regularly spanked on either the panties I had to wear under my shorts or on my bare bottom over Akela’s lap. I was spanked at every cub meeting under some pretext or other (I taught a knot incorrectly, socks and garters were not straight etc.) Ostensibly in private. I was spanked in a back room during the pack meetings and afterwards as well. The cubs were well aware of my spankings and used to ask me have you got a sore botty. After the meetings my buttocks were often strapped. Akela used to enjoy commenting on my frilly panties as she spanked me.
So I think it safe to say it was highly humiliating.

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Re: An older cub scoutJames00:48:53 11/18/15 Wed

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