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Subject: Re: Punishment Humiliation

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Date Posted: 22:18:14 11/26/15 Thu
In reply to: Cole 's message, "Re: Punishment Humiliation" on 06:46:00 11/12/15 Thu

" ... Removing my pants in the presence of the ladies of mom's bridge club ..."

My mom belonged to a book club that often met in our living room or sat around the dining room table. She also like to play Canasta, a very popular game fifty years ago. My mom was ill and eventually disabled so often as not the meetings were at our house since mom couldn't travel easily.
Usually the ladies left their children home or they stayed outside in our back yard where there was a swing, a splash pool and a playhouse and so on.
A few times I got spanked in front of them all, a few times but often enough to remember as I passed 14, then 15 and 16 in age.
Or if I had been spanked the night before or earlier in the day,I'd be called to drop my shorts or later slacks as well as undies and show them by heiney almost as a badge of honor. That often meant I had to explain what I had done and why it would never happen again. And that of course meant facing whoever it was while my shorts and undies were still around my ankles. Some of the women pretended to be intent of the card game or their coffee cup but a few took a great interest in my penile development or noticed some mark or scratch in the abdomen.
Then there were a few times when someone had their daughter, or son, along and it was raining which meant they saw the whole thing. My whole thing from the thingy in the front to my bending over so they could see my red heiney.

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Re: Punishment HumiliationLyn16:40:07 02/23/16 Tue

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