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Subject: Re: Punishment Humiliation

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Date Posted: 16:40:07 02/23/16 Tue
In reply to: Daniel 's message, "Re: Punishment Humiliation" on 22:18:14 11/26/15 Thu

Hi, I have written on another forum but wanted to share with you here after discovering this forum.

I had been on at my new husband for a while that the punishment he had for his 13 year old son was not adequate and I do have a strong influence over my husband.

It had previously involved a macho trip to the shed for punishment and a few swats of his father's belt.

This has all changed thanks to my efforts and punishment is carried out where everyone in the family can see it, adding greatly to the effectiveness and ramping up the embarrassment levels sky high.

He does have sisters, two of his own and also now two stepsisters who are my girls.

Now unfortunately as yet he remains dressed, fully clothed but just being punished (by me) in front of everyone here has been a massive jolt for him.

The girls are fascinated and not a little thrilled to see a teenage boy get his backside smacked and all the attendant emotion that this entails.

However this is not the end of the matter, not by a long chalk.

I have been pressuring my husband hard to see further major changes and that means getting that boy undressed for punishment.

Now this is out in the open and adding greatly to the anticipation and fear of the boy.

In my husband's absence I have made it crystal clear to my young charge that I WILL SUCCEED as my husband is beginning to relent. The girls all are privy to this conversation, I make sure they are all present when I bring the matter up.

The girls here are loving the unfolding drama as their brother/stepbrother reacts with great nervous embarrassment at my determination to get it done properly, and as I emphasize "TO HAVE THOSE UNDERPANTS REMOVED!"

I am dedicated to keeping the pressure on my husband and he is most certainly beginning to cave in as I now have a firm agreement that I can have the boy's trousers removed.

This I have declared already to my agitated stepson to demonstrate how things are going my way and my girls have welcomed this news as the tension mounts.

I have not in anyway accepted this progress as the end of the matter and my husband knows that I am not going to stop until I get everything I want!

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Re: Punishment Humiliationcurious06:35:55 02/24/16 Wed

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