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Subject: Re: Addicted To Spanking

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Date Posted: 10:58:23 08/20/16 Sat
In reply to: Fredrick 's message, "Re: Addicted To Spanking" on 13:51:14 07/28/16 Thu

I always used to be spanked during my mother's coffee morning. My job was as a waiter, bringing in cups of coffee, biscuits etc. It occurred on Saturday mornings, and I was dressed in the most childish of clothing. When I was 16 my mother had dressed me in a hand made sailor suit, satin back buttoned hot pants, sailor top, white pelerine socks and Navy Mary Jane sandals. To protect my satin shorts Mummy had put me in skin tight plastic pants.

After much chatting and laughter the subject of my discipline came up. My school work was not up to standard, I was told that I was a lazy boy who needed to be spanked. First my mother told me to widen my legs. She slapped the inside of both of my thighs from above my knee right up to my groin. She then told me to put my hands on my head. She then asked one of her friends to do the honours. This involved undoing my tight shorts and pulling them down revealing my plastic pants.

My mother said when Cuthbert is in nice shorts I put him in plastic pants to protect his shorts from unseemly dirty boyish emissions. Then she made me go over her lap and systematically hand spanked my buttocks over the plastic pants for a good 10 minutes. I was then told to get up and collect my naughty boy strap. I pleaded with my mother not to strap me. She said you should have thought of that when being lazy with your work. Any more fuss and I will use the cane. So I fetched the leather strap and this time Mummy took my plastic pants down. I went over her lap again and in front of all my mother's friends was strapped firmly. I began to writhe around in discomfort so one of my mother's friends kindly held my ankles pulling my legs wide apart. This allowed my mother to strap the inside portion of my buttocks. She finally finished when my entire bottom was a deep crimson. Her friends were allowed to put their hands on my bottom commented that you could fry an egg on his cheeks. I then was made to stand on a piano stool in the middle of the room with my hands on my head. I was the entertainment.

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Re: Addicted To SpankingCuthbert11:22:14 08/20/16 Sat

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