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Date Posted: 18:52:42 05/26/03 Mon
Author: Januya
Subject: ...
In reply to: Myk 's message, "Well hello to you too!" on 18:32:34 05/26/03 Mon

Twin pointed ears angle backwards as Rinyosan steps out, but Januya makes an effort to trust Skavan and only slowly turns, positioning herself so that her back is to Seka's mass and she can keep both tan and Masi in sight simultaneously. A cold calm has settled over her, blade slowing its revolutions now and merely twitching sporadically from time to time. Gold eyes glinting, she takes in Skavan's unease, his jerky movements betraying him; Rinyosan's cautious gestures of peace and her total lack of weaponry; and Myk's lowering of the gun and amiable words. To say Jan herself is calm would be incorrect -inside she's seething- but her outward appearance is completely cloaked in a pilot's typical cool-and-collected aura. To Skavan, the black sends a look meant to be reassuring, but at the grey's silence she's forced to speak up again. In the presence of one of her own kind, Jan automatically slips into old figures of speech... which may or may not be a good thing.

"I am Januya," she states for Rinyosan's benefit, before adding, "My Tokathe, Skavan." The simple introduction is meant to establish the grey as under her protection -threaten and die by her hand- and nothing more... though the aforementioned male might not take it as such. A razor-edged glance fastens on Myk's lean form at the offer of weaponry. To ask for something is to betray weakness. But she is unarmed and though completely able to massacre without a gun, she doesn't like the thought of not having a back-up option. "If you've a gunband..." the low alto voice grates out reluctantly, trailing off with the assumption that Myk can finish the sentence. Her thoughts flash briefly to what both strangers had said -- distress signal? Seka hadn't picked it up.

"There is blood staining Etreusian soil." Jan's eyes flicker to Skavan and for once, hold there. "I'll help clean it up," and she adds silently, if I can spill some more in doing so. Though a far cry from a 'team player', she glances briefly to Myk and Rinyosan for their thoughts on the matter. Not that she cares, really. Just curious. The loss of her lifelong partner has... well, we won't go there. Let's just say Jan would take on the whole of the evil in any universe alone, if only for the pleasure of killing before she died.

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