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Date Posted: 20:49:26 05/25/03 Sun
Author: Skavan and Seka
Subject: Landing...

The grey Tokathe could barely keep his eyes open. It was taking constant reminders by Seka to keep him upright, and even those were starting to lose their affect... but then...


The grey sat upright. Eyes flicking over the screen as Seka pulled up the charts displaying their distance and then... it was there. Small, and in the distance, but frash it all... Etreus was there. An amused grin played over Skavan's features as his claws clenched over the floor and the grey Tokathe prepared to battle the planetary defense system... It should be kicking in any second now...

Only, it didn't. Skavan's smug grin was first a baffled expression, then one of total fear... Something was terribly wrong here... Green eyes flickered back to Januya, guessing that the Tarok had likely noticed the lack of defense, but he said nothing... merely shaking his head as the Victory Flame hit the rough jolts that stood as Etreusian atmosphere.

From there it was reasonably swift. Skavan knew where he'd originally planned to land but... no longer felt that would do. Lake Rainmoe was too open... much too open... and Skavan still disn't like that strange feeling in the back of his head... but meh. Arafette would do.

He set the ship down with relative ease right along the shore of Arafette, down within the crater that stood as a natural boundry about the Lake... Seka opened the hatch... and Skavan stepped out onto the home he hadn't seen in six years.

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