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Date Posted: 19:31:31 06/05/03 Thu
Author: Januya
Subject: ...
In reply to: Kamali and Evermor 's message, "Earflick." on 19:18:48 06/05/03 Thu

Januya's muzzle snaps around to let her line of sight take in the Rujis. Something in the back of her mind nags to be expressed, but diplomacy never did have much foothold in the black Tarok's violent mentality. Silky ears flatten as her gaze doesn't waver; not one for intimidation, not this spacer, but not one for covert, veiled threats. If she doesn't like something, one can easily tell by the direct glare delivered within milliseconds of the offensive statement. "I am a trained assassin, Rujif. Those hosts that I may kill are tragic casualties of the war. Nothing more."

And the Kilven and Coinshifter make their entrance just then. Pointed ears flare up and Jan settles her gaze idly on the pair, dismissing them as non-warriors within a few moments. She doesn't bother answering verbally, the barest downwards tilt of her muzzle sufficing for a nod. Edduan's fluid speech, belying the Coinshifter's appearance in the Tarok's cynical eyes, catches some attention, but even that quickly dissipates. Jan glances at Skavan, finding his silence almost unnerving. But then, hasn't the grey usually been quiet? She almost can't remember; she's blocked out the memories of Terole, and the journey here has become blurred and uncertain. Though she trusts Skavan alone of all the creatures here, Jan realizes that she knows very little of him in actuality. And he knows less of her.

Shaking off such irrelevent thoughts, Januya regards Kamali with some skepticism. If there's a swift, easy way to kill the Rjin without slaughtering their hosts, then the Tarok will use it. Otherwise, she will not be restrained by the thought of killing innocents. Kamali's announcement of the disabling of even freed hosts elicits some small satisfaction, an egotistical I-told-you-so that Jan ignores even as her muzzle curves into a grim smile. Never a team player, nor one to speak as a group member, the black's voice rolls out darkly. "I need no help, Kamali, only information... and barely that. Locations of Rjin. And how to tell a host from a normal creature." One furred brow arches, though the tone remained flat and reasonably neutral.

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