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Date Posted: 17:53:34 06/10/03 Tue
Author: Kamali
Subject: Time to Choose.
In reply to: Januya 's message, "..." on 19:31:31 06/05/03 Thu

Kamali turns to regard Januya as well... ears flicking once.

"We do not know where the Rjin are located as of now. The government itself has just unleashed a Raid in the Market Square. Donovan informs me however that the citizens revolted successfully and the battle will be over in a matter of minutes. Some of those governmental officials will have been hosts of Rjin, others won't. We fight a War on two fronts... fronts that seem to intermerge with greater frequency."

The feline looks back out to the group.

"You will know a host as thus. They are governmental officials, and will wear a uniform. Most are Tokathian. They will not know the land well... and will not have the instinct to run even when out numbered. Rjin do not die after you kill the host forms, and thus have no fear until you've destroyed their first layer of protection. You kill the host, they leave the body... and then you kill the Rjin... if it doesn't kill you. And they aren't as easy to kill as flesh and blood... because they AREN'T flesh and blood."

Kamali stretches, extends her claws, and turns away from the group.

"I am going to the Market Square. Those fighting now will need my assistance after they finish with with the Tokathe. Rjin will rise... and as this has been our first successful resistance... they will be angry."

Haunches curve underneath the broad body...

"Follow me and you have made your choice."

Evermor rises suddenly from the ground, russet wings flaring as he uses a warm thermal as his guide to height... and then dissapears into the nothingness of traveling through time and space... By the time he has gone, so has the Peshin Kamali.

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