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Date Posted: 18:55:37 07/18/03 Fri
Author: Cadoc and Onaru
Subject: Tsuh... mismatched is right.
In reply to: Jaedo 's message, "Hmm." on 18:29:19 07/18/03 Fri

Onaru's golden ears remain lightly flattened as his pale eyes peer through the translucent horns at the mercenary. Someone hired for money alone got little respect from the essentially peaceful warrior. "Going our own ways but keeping in touch and regrouping occasionally to share information." The words are spoken almost grudgingly, the feminine Aluben cautious around both Keshalan and Lavanian.

Cadoc tosses a haughty, disdainful look at the golden five-tailed beast. "I have no reason to stay with either of you. My purpose is espionage; I'm the one who's supposed to find out what's going on here on this ridiculous world. You're," here she shoots another look at Onaru, "searching for your little friend and you," she glances at Jaedo annoyedly, "are probably here to slaughter whatever you find. I don't really care."

A low snarl catches the Katok off-guard and as she spins to deliver a tailstrike to the impudent Aluben, she finds her tail held by two of his and his two barb-tipped foretails at her throat. "You are here to help me find Sioveph," the well-built male growls quietly, "and you will do so." With a flare of her wings, Cadoc breaks free and hisses, eyeing the Aluben with newfound respect. The slight flush disappears from his translucent, downturned horns as the golden warrior's vision switches back from infrared to normal and his muscles relax slightly. Onaru glances at Jaedo, an uncompromising look in his pale blue eyes. "Do you work alone, mercenary?"

Cadoc laughs aloud, a harsh sound in the peaceful surroundings.

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