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Date Posted: 18:30:05 08/21/03 Thu
Author: Lifowa, Era
Subject: Brothers... I swear.
In reply to: Aduuni, Eliqui, Hashe, Hora 's message, "Darn... >_<" on 18:08:02 08/14/03 Thu

The reaction to getting his cloven forehoof knocked away is rather unorthodox -- instead of expressing anger or aggression, Era tries to poke the Olde Phia again, hoofblade carefully unretracted and red-gold eyes wide with blatant curiosity. His sister moves forward at an easy walk, whipcracking her brother across the haunch with her tail and drawing an irritated snort along with several beads of blood around the puncture-wounds. Though Lifowa hasn't a clue what the Cat Shifter just said, not knowing Etreusian or any other tongue spoken on the planet, the mindvoice is easily understood. However, a reply is postponed as the two Kathas glare at each other in a brief sibling-rivalry-ish battle of wills. The smaller black draws her muzzle back to reveal a set of feline teeth that look extremely odd in an equine muzzle. Era snarls in response, but suddenly finds himself sliding backwards, away from the massive feline and at a right angle to his sister. Rising up to 'taur-stance as well, the red kicks at the air, but is unable to stop his backwards progress.

After using telekinesis to move the unruly red several meters away from the Olde Phia, Lifowa angles her slender muzzle back at the strangers. Apologies. The tone is short but not curt, a simple fluid word as the black too draws back. Era prances at the edge of his sister's TK-drawn boundary, but doesn't try moving forward again. The feel of gathering energy, however, is enough to keep the young male interested in these creatures; he makes no move to leave the area. Lifowa shoots him a blue-eyed scowl as she daintily steps backwards, an awkward motion for the equine.

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