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Date Posted: 06:06:57 06/15/04 Tue
Author: Ihan
Subject: ...wha?
In reply to: Ihan Ahisa and Sioveph [Zoqui] 's message, "A little sadness, a little angst..." on 18:04:12 06/08/04 Tue

((OOC~ Dude, I like Anzu's character. :D))

Ihan Ahisa blinks and shakes her head brusquely as she notices the violet Canis enter the water, ears flaring up in half-surprise, half-curiosity, though she doesn't approach the lupine. She can tell when creatures want to be alone--she's had to learn with Sioveph.

Sleek white fur uncovered by anything more than a mist-grey silken sash about her hips (more to avoid offending any Tokathe than for her own sense of modesty, which doesn't exactly exist), the slender Olashi pauses again, ears twisting to funnel the sound of flight as Anzu enters the area in a dive. Feline countenance expressionless and pale blue eyes wide, she silently drinks in the sight of freedom, personified by this stranger.

I had almost forgotten that I could fly without my ship...

The smile that touches her muzzle is a sad one, and the slim fingers that touch the laser-pistol DB at her hip are regretful. Months ago, it would have been insane to expose oneself to ground snipers from the government, to give away one's location by revealing oneself in the air so plainly. Even now, as anarchy firmly seizes the planet, only a fool would be without a weapon or alone for very long.

The grey-feathered pilot removes the holster from the black cord that has been functioning as a belt and sets it gently on the ground. An odd expression set on her features, eyes half-closed, she crouches and slowly unfurls her wings to their full extents, impressively long but rather narrow for an Olashi. Feeling the pull of neglected muscles, she holds the stretch for a long moment before furling them again. A little grin further bares long saberfangs, and then the femme rockets upwards in a full body leap-downbeat combination, lithe frame arrow-straight as she shoots straight for the sky.

A fluting whistle joins Anzu's song as Ihan regains herself.

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