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Date Posted: 18:04:12 06/08/04 Tue
Author: Ihan Ahisa and Sioveph [Zoqui]
Subject: A little sadness, a little angst...

A huge, sleek craft had been tucked into one of the many caves that pocked the high cliffs surrounding the lakes--and there it sat, used as a home rather than a form of transportation and a flying weapon. Currently, its two residents were near the water.

Sioveph had never fully recovered after watching Onaru's death and subsequently going violent against hes pacifist's code in the old Council HQ. Hse was now far more silent, less apt to smile, and seemingly against laughing altogether. Hes strong, compact black-and-brown frame was couched in a 'taur-like laying position on the shore, the gentle waves touching only hes forepaw toes. Arms folded across hes lean chest and wolfish head angled downwards, hse stayed silent and motionless in another stretch of what hse called "meditation." Zoqui called it upright sleep, and Ihan called it permanently angsting.

The small, white-furred Olashi was also near the shore--strolling, as it were, wings tucked tightly to her back and brushing her thighs and calves with each deliberately slow step. A leonine tail flicked restlessly behind her, and though she looked as though her gait were leisurely and her mind pleasantly wandering, she felt like she was pacing, caged. *She* had quickly accustomed herself to the violent sickness that had enveloped Etreus since the Rjin were defeated, and she had adapted easily to the new rules--or lack thereof--of anarchy. Sioveph, her dearest friend and lone companion (not counting her Phia) had not, and she wanted to curse hem for it.

The slender pilot raised her blue eyes to the cloud-smeared sky and let a sigh whistle out between two saberfangs. ~Someday,~ she thought, but as usual, she never finished it. It was always just 'someday.' After all, even she hoped for better times. A time when Sioveph was hale again and could roll off dry jokes and fuss over her health and happiness. A time when the wind did not smell of death and sickness and smoke. A time when she could fly Zoqui with her Welphie friend as copilot and enjoy the visceral thrill of manually directing a huge, beautiful craft.

A time when things would all be better. But until then, she would pretend to stroll around the lake, as caught up in her own thoughts as Sioveph was.

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