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Date Posted: 18:35:28 03/27/17 Mon
Author: Kate
Subject: Re: Who does the spanking?
In reply to: MarkW 's message, "Re: Who does the spanking?" on 07:56:12 03/27/17 Mon

>I share your husband's views on this, Kate. The act of
>spanking itself, is not an unpleasant chore, but the
>spanking has to be appropriate and well-deserved. Our
>daughter is of an age where she needs more spankings
>now, and her mother is happy to leave the task to me.
>I don't know if you were spanked by your own father,
>Kate, but there is undoubtedly an emotional closeness
>between a father and his daughter when she is bared
>and over his knee being tanned. It is difficult to
>explain, but there is an understanding between both
>parties that a sound spanking is necessary, and that
>the girl will feel better for it, and closer to her
>father. I don't suppose I explained that very well at
>I don't know whether the same can be said for you
>spanking your son, or whether it is just a
>father/daughter thing?

You explained it very well Mark! Yes my dad took over all my spankings when I was 11 and continued until I was nearly 16. Quite long sessions and always bare from the waist down. It was exactly as you said, a shared emotional experience which I knew was doing me good and which my dad did not regard as a chore at all.
Our son is more matter of fact about his spankings. He accepts them well but I don't think it is quite such a bonding experience as it is for my husband and our daughter. But we must be gettiing it right because our son is actually pro spanking,he has said he is going to be a spanking dad!

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