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Subject: Re: The oldest and the youngest

Amanda J to Sarah
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Date Posted: 17:35:49 12/13/24 Fri
In reply to: Sarah to Amanda 's message, "Re: The oldest and the youngest" on 16:02:02 12/13/24 Fri

Hi Sarah,

That is so beautiful that Jason and Paula went on to get married and now have twins of their own! It sounds like they have had a great love story.

It is wonderful that there is so much family support regarding discipline. That is so important and I actually think the world would be a better place if there was more of that.

You had mentioned that that spanking was Jason’s first in about a year. I bet that was a big shock to him, possibly thinking that he was thenbeyond the option of spanking. I am glad that despite his age, the fact that it had been a year and that even so many others were present, you still did what needed to be done. Had you ever taken Paula over your lap?

Great to hear that Paula is a spanking mom and now raising the twins with the loving discipline as well. It sounds like they have a beautiful family and a very bright future. I hope they live nearby and that you are able to see them often.

Thank you for sharing this wonderful information about your family and their history!

Hugs, Amanda J.

>Thank you for your support, as always. Jason, as well
>as my other children, always knew that family
>gatherings, or having company in general, never meant
>it was safe for them in receiving spankings if their
>behavior warranted it. Although I think he may have
>forgotten that as it had been almost a year since I
>had last spanked him.
>Paula, his girlfriend at the time (and now wife), had
>been dating for well over a year at that point, since
>their senior year in high school, so she was well
>aware that he was spanked. She had never seen me spank
>Jason, but there were a couple of others times during
>his senior year where she heard them. I did not speak
>to Paula personally after I gave Jason his last
>spanking at 19, so I don't know what comments she had,
>but I am sure both of them talked afterwards in
>In regards to anyone else making comments after
>Jason's spanking, I did speak to my sisters about it
>and they gave their support. As we always did so when
>we had to spank one of ours. But none of the other
>children said anything about the spanking, at least
>within earshot of the adults. Not wanting to risk the
>warning "And the very same could happen to you as
>well, young man/lady." Although I am quite sure they
>had their own conversations in private about it.
>As for Paula's history, she was also raised with
>spankings and was (and is) very much pro-spanking.
>Both her and Jason have been married for over 8 years
>now and have twins of their own (a boy and a girl),
>just shy of 3 years old and Paula has actually
>recently just started using spankings with both of

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Re: The oldest and the youngestSarah to Amanda J22:25:05 12/13/24 Fri

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