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Subject: Re: A spanking and are the shirts in the way?

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Date Posted: 13:55:14 12/20/24 Fri
In reply to: Ivana 's message, "A spanking and are the shirts in the way?" on 19:19:21 12/19/24 Thu


My 13 and 16 year old are just like your 14 year old. Every time I spank they deserve and will have "such a fire-engine red butt". Marek's spanking was a complete success a very proper spanking indeed. I always have the same results as you.

Spanking either of my 3 naked or bare from the waist down was and has always been situational, if I took them out of a bath or shower of if it was right before or after, then they were spanked naked.

When it comes time for the baring I bare methodically I am not in any rush, the boys or my daughter (when she was being spanked) would and do stand there while I unbuckle their belt, unbutton and unzip their pants, shorts with them having to watch me, the boys being younger and nervous and not knowing what to do with their hands, they are filled with dread and fear. Then I lower their pants to the knees, then I lower his underpants, panties, the jeans, shorts, pj bottoms are around their ankles, while their briefs are inside out and upside down from when I pulled them down by the waist band to around their knees. If they were or are wearing a top that is too long I have them hold it up out of the way as I bare them, then once over my lap I push their top up their back and out of the way pinning their forearm their lower back preventing them from blocking as well as their top working its way down and getting in my way.

Then if everything below the waist is kicked off as when they are bare foot in pjs during the spanking the yes they are bare from the waist down.

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Re: A spanking and are the shirts in the way?Lois04:23:20 12/21/24 Sat

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