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Subject: Re: A spanking and are the shirts in the way?

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Date Posted: 04:23:20 12/21/24 Sat
In reply to: Ivana 's message, "A spanking and are the shirts in the way?" on 19:19:21 12/19/24 Thu


"Marek got a proper spanking." Yes he did, brilliantly done. "He sang in a boy's soprano. His boy's voice is not yet cracked." Neither has Stanley's at 13.

There is and alway has been a lot of drama here when I spank, first the drama of the baring. I will have informed them ahead of time and once they have their pajamas on I will go to their room sitting on the lower bunk and call them to me pointing to where I want them to stand. I will then remind them of what brought us to this point, then I take down their pajama bottoms and underpants to the floor and have them step out of them, and if they are wear a pj top that is removed so all they are wearing is a t-shirt and that barely comes to the top of their bottom. I then have them do 15 min of corner time, I sit on the lower bunkbed waiting, admiring the view as they nervously shift their weight from one foot to the other flexing and relaxing their bottom and the drama is something as we are thinking of what is next.

I then summon the one to be spanked back to me as I am pointing to the side of my right thigh no more talking it is now spanking time as I then help my boy over my thighs for his spanking.

Taking hold of them I help my boys Stanley 13 and Tomas 16 over my thighs for their spanking and I do have them over my lap I have them tucked in close held tight. I prefer to have my legs, thighs together with them forward enough so that their hips are right over my thighs and I am presented with an English white bare boy bottom turned high up awaiting me to spank. There is nothing wrong with pausing and admiring their bottom over our lap.

They are laying bent over my lap with their feet pointing to the floor but not touching it while his head is the other side of me of me facing down, their t-shirt will be down to their upper back at this point and will never get in my way of spanking.

Once the spanking commences they do become straight and then back to being draped across my knees and then repeated throughout mostly straight trying to arch their back legs, feet swim kicking.

Also for me baring them taking them over my lap and spanking their bare bottom shows them that 'mum is in charge and I will bare them.

>Very often I have read that the children are stripped
>to the waist when it comes to spanking. That's
>completely normal and you always spank their bare
>bottoms anyway.
>But my question is, don't you bother with outerwear? I
>find big, long shirts and sweatshirts very
>distracting. That's why I always spank my kids when
>they are completely naked. I also find that you have a
>better view of the target and can spank them better
>and more thoroughly. It's also easier to keep them in
>place. Another little bonus: A fire-engine red butt is
>a much more adorable sight when they're completely
>I have a 14-year-old here who deserves just such a
>fire-engine red butt. The bawling and the snot factory
>were in full swing. Mom was also in full swing. Marek
>got a proper spanking. He sang in a boy's soprano. His
>boy's voice is not yet cracked.

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Re: A spanking and are the shirts in the way?Kelly mom of 3 boys12:28:27 12/21/24 Sat

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