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Subject: Re: Spanking

Kelly mom of 3 boys
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Date Posted: 12:34:17 12/21/24 Sat
In reply to: Pam 's message, "Spanking" on 18:44:30 12/19/24 Thu

I have never spanked over undies, always bare. Why? It was the natural thing for me to do when my firstborn was late 3 early 4 and he was being a defiant brat, I bared his bottom lifted him laid him across my lap and spanked his bare bottom and there has been no reason to not spank my three boys any way but bare for all the reasons posted by the other moms. my boys are 9-12 and 15 and Kennith the 15 year old cries, wiggles and kicks just as loud and vigorously as Mark, the 9 year old.

They need to cry long and hard as well. As I just told Kendal, they always let me during the spanking how much it hurts and that is my goal to make sure it really does hurt and stays with them for some time after. I spank them bare with my hand and a nice wooden hairbrush. I start with a hand spanking and slowly pick up the pace to a very fast pace. I spank not just their bare bottoms but the back of the thighs also. After a long hand spanking, I begin to spank with the hairbrush spanking their bottom and upper thighs as long as I did with my hand but slower and not as hard. After their spankings I bring them to the corner of the room and have them stand there for about 20 minutes. When I leave the room and come back to check on them. If they have moved from that position, I give them additional hand spanks while they are standing. I found out this works wonders.

All 3 including Kenny know how much it is going to hurt from past spankings they are all crying before I spank, Mark and Eric my 12 year old as soon as they realize mommy is going to spank them, my oldest will start crying as he lowers his pants or pajama bottoms. Also, they all plead not to be spanked bare. It is something to see and hear my oldest even though he is bigger he will look and sound just like my youngest as he is being spanked and after, but I do believe Eric is the loudest while crying and yelling, there is always a good supply of Kleenex on hand for the tears and snot.

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Re: SpankingLuna19:41:13 12/24/24 Tue

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