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Subject: Re: 2024 awards

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Date Posted: 08:51:18 12/23/24 Mon
In reply to: Jennifer 's message, "2024 awards" on 10:26:48 12/22/24 Sun


With my children grown and I now only do my spanking as a grandmother and babysitter, I am probably not going to win any categories. And I am just fine with that. :)

"Who is the oldest kid you spanked this year?"

That would be the Andy (17), the boy I sit for at a week or two at a time. Or his best friend, Derek, whom is the same age. They are both more like sons to me than just someone under my care.

"Who received the highest number of spankings by you and husband or others during 2024?"

My grandson AJ, he is 6 yrs old. I've probably spanked him 40-50 times this year. Although he has been spanked more often by his Mommy (my oldest), of course.

"Who was spanked with the highest number of witnesses (consider also other spankees)?"

That would probably be when I spanked my almost 3 year old twin grandchildren on Thanksgiving. I spanked them both in front of the family and friends, which there were around 30 people. Of course no embarrassment at their age. But if there would have been, it wouldn't have made a difference on where I spanked.

But like Mary, there were a number of times over the summer months where I also needed to spank misbehaving children (grandchildren and kids I babysat) out of the pool and it was usually done in front of good amount of witnesses as everyone was there to enjoy the pool or play in the backyard. Having to spank in front of 6-10 other people was not uncommon.

"Who has given the highest number of spankings: can you estimate the number of spankings you have given during year? If you spank 2 kids at same time, it counts as 2."

Between my grandchildren and kids I've babysat, I've probably spanked around 150 times.

"Who used the highest number of tools (hand is a tool): how many implements did you use?"

Just my hand for the real little ones, like my twin grandchildren that just started receiving spankings. Hand and my wooden spanking spoon for the younger ones and hand and my wooden hairbrush from about 8 yrs old and up.

"Who spanked the highest number of kids: how many different kids did you spank at least once in 2024?"

10 (5 grandchildren & 5 children I've babysat)

"Who spanked the highest number of kids at same time together: how many did you spank at same time?"



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Subject Author Date
Re: 2024 awardsDebbie (Sad)21:27:03 12/23/24 Mon
    Re: 2024 awardsJennifer05:50:29 12/24/24 Tue

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