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Subject: Re: Different phases

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Date Posted: 07:45:48 12/26/24 Thu
In reply to: Jennifer 's message, "Different phases" on 07:27:35 12/26/24 Thu


I have a couple, repositioning them and corner time.

Here with my two boys they are brilliantly animated, kicking away, as they struggle to pull their arm out of my hand to block their bottom from the spanks. Scissor kicking, frog kicking swim kicking, but this only is a natural occurrence when I am spanking their bare bottom I don’t spank extra for it, if my boys when they get to be over the top and get out of the position I want I will stop spanking and quickly reposition them and I just put my right leg over their legs.

They have many times tried to escape though. When I help my boys Stanley 13 and Tomas 16 I have them tucked in close up against my waist held tight. I prefer to have my legs, thighs together with them forward enough so that their hips are right over my thighs. Having them under control before I start.

I start with my hand but when I go to my my brush and it gets to be too much for them they have tried to escape my lap, it's a natural reaction, this is something both my boys have tried in the past. I think sometimes the pain is much worse than other times maybe? Mid way through they have grabbed hold of the mattress with their free hand and attempted his escape or couch cushion and as I was spanking and looking down at their red bottom I saw it jerk to my left and almost off my lap. I stopped spanking telling him “if you do that again I will spank you even longer!" as I repositioned his body and continued.

Also, I started using bare bottom corner time back in 2017 after coming to Mary’s forum due to Sarah's influence and example. I do the baring then send then to the corner for 15 min as I sit on the lower bunk bed and wait admiring the view as they nervously shift their weight from one foot to the other flexing and relaxing their bottom.

My boys get time to dance and rub their bottom then if they will be serving after corner time (if it's at bedtime and not too late) once in the corner there is no rubbing, once they served their time they can rub all they wish. Then it's cuddle and comfort time and most times it's a bedtime spanking and they are off to bed

>Hi all.
>How was your Christmas? Hope you all spend a good day
>with your families and enjoy your special day, and
>also kids have their gifts, and their adorable bottoms
>cold and white.
>A thought for a question: do you proceed with
>different phases of the spanking changing something or
>with an interval? Example a pause for a further
>lecture, or waiting a time in corner between the 2
>Do you change implement, do you change the position or
>proceed increasing the bareness level removing another
>item? Did you ever do this? For what reason?
>Again merry Christmas to you.

>Hi all.
>How was your Christmas? Hope you all spend a good day
>with your families and enjoy your special day, and
>also kids have their gifts, and their adorable bottoms
>cold and white.
>A thought for a question: do you proceed with
>different phases of the spanking changing something or
>with an interval? Example a pause for a further
>lecture, or waiting a time in corner between the 2
>Do you change implement, do you change the position or
>proceed increasing the bareness level removing another
>item? Did you ever do this? For what reason?
>Again merry Christmas to you.

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Subject Author Date
Re: Different phasesMary08:01:05 12/26/24 Thu

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