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Subject: Re: Spanking

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Date Posted: 23:29:18 12/30/24 Mon
In reply to: Paige 's message, "Re: Spanking" on 07:52:23 12/29/24 Sun

Paige, I remember that feeling, that my behind was the "star of the show." Especially when I got spanked in front of my younger brother and sister.

Like your boys, by 13-yrs-old I HATED being bared for spankings. As soon as I knew I was in for it my buns would start to tingle so I'd reach back and rub my cheeks in distress, dreading the feeling of having my panties pulled down.
I could already feel eyes all over my naked front and my bottom itched in anticipation of being stuck up high and helpless over mom's lap.

I'd be draped over, weeping/pleading, feeling my bare buns poking up for all to see, clamping my legs tight to hide my privates.
I knew what I looked like from watching my siblings spanked, my plump bubble butt twitching and then the horrible exhibit as spanks turned my cheeks bouncing redder and redder while I begged.
Then my wild wiggling, tossing my burning behind all over - wagging my tail to show everyone how much it STUNG oh god it felt like my bare bottom was then center of the universe when on FIRE! and my legs kicked up and down and wide open
In front of my siblings it did feel like I was "putting on a show" and my chubby bare buns were the star attraction!

Even for days after I'd cringe thinking about waving my naked butt all over the place.

Your boys ever beg to keep underpants? I'd plead for my panties but it never worked.

>As a mom, here is why I have always spanked a bare
>bottom. Bare? Because it is more efficient - you don't
>have to spank as hard to make sure it hurts. Because
>you can see the effect it is having and you don't over
>spank or under spank. I can see the bottom and how the
>spanking is going especially when I want to attain a
>certain color/look before I am finished.
>Spanking over clothing takes more effort to get even
>close the same effect as a bare bottom. It's supposed
>to be a punishment for the kids, not for the parents.
>Its also inconsistent depending on what they are
>Also, it sends a VERY clear message to the child that
>he/she is being punished and that their parent is in
>control of them and I will bare your bottom. It really
>makes the punishment a lot more effective because they
>really, really hate having their bottom bared and
>going over the lap. It shows both of my boys "I am in
>charge (and look what I can do if I want to, it shows
>both of my boys "I am in charge.
>When I spank it is always on a bared bottom and always
>over my lap, from the very first time when I started
>formal over my lap spankings when they were 4, it was
>bare bottom over my lap so I had him under control,
>for me it was just the natural way to spank.
>And I also agree that the psychological aspect, effect
>of the bare bottom is so important, I offer as proof.
>My 15 year old since he was 11 and my 12 year old will
>be trying to hide their bare bottom from me when they
>go over my lap by hanging it off the side of my right
>thigh, smiling I pull them forward into position, also
>taking my time adjusting his bottom until it was just
>so. It is the ‘star of the show’. My oldest son
>when he was 11 became modest around me and being bared
>for his spanking aided in him quickly getting over my
>lap, it is now the same with my youngest. I agree with
>what Sarah said a while back and I never forgot it,
>"when they get to be old enough it becomes much more
>embarrassing to have their bottom bared and have to go
>over Mom's knee for a spanking".
>I feel that their bottom is the ‘star of the show’
>and I do so much enjoy the view. Seeing their cute
>bare bottom over my lap tensing I pull them both
>forward as I scold. They are at times flat over my lap
>as we go through the spanking, at times head and feet
>low, they wiggle up a storm I can tell you that but I
>have full control of their bottom. A very 'favorable'
>position for me as I am in control of their body, and
>in the long run beneficial for them.

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