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Subject: Re: Spanking

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Date Posted: 22:28:54 01/01/25 Wed
In reply to: Samantha 's message, "Re: Spanking" on 13:31:37 01/01/25 Wed

Samantha, Interesting way to spank your stepson. Putting him through different stages must increase his dread slowly but surely. And he pleads a bit when it's finally underpants down time?
Not sure how old he is but I've seen boys old enough to try and keep from crying when they get spanked. Out of pride, shame or stubborness, they hold back tears as long as they can.

As you give, a good warm-up spanking doesn't have to sting too much just steady slaps to get his behind warm and pink but not enough to make him cry. So he bites his lip, blushing in deep shame, fully aware he is draped over the lap getting a bad boy spanking.
And he knows it will get worse....much worse...so when he is stood up in preparation for having his underpants lowered, he blinks back tears...knowing once the brush/spoon is setting his bare bottom on fire he will BURST into bawling no matter how prideful/stubborn he tried to be when his spankng began.
Watching a "tough" boy kicking begging and howling is evidence spankings work wonders on bratty boys!

>I spank my stepson first on his pants, then on his
>undies, then on his bare bottom
>Baring the bottom has multiple effects.
>First, as he stands there while his pants are dropped
>and later his undies are dropped as well, with a bit
>sore bottom the first time and a quite sore bottom the
>second time, gives them the sense that yes, his bottom
>is sore already, but it is going to get much worse.
>Then there is the humiliation factor as they don't
>want their pants down, let alone for a spanking.
>There is the embarrassment factor as he knows his
>bottom is going to be seen in all his glory.
>Then the psychological factor that he is going to lose
>what little protection he had against the hairbrush,
>and from there on the hairbrush is going to take all
>its toll.
>Then there is the sensation of the wood making full
>contact with his bare skin when the hairbrush lands. A
>bare bottom lets him feel in full the implement that
>is causing so much pain and sting.
>>Does it hurt a lot more with undies down or does it
>>make no difference

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Subject Author Date
Re: SpankingSamantha10:26:29 01/02/25 Thu

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