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Subject: Re: How hard do they cry, how long do you let them cry?

Laura (Matt's mom)
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Date Posted: 08:44:46 01/03/25 Fri
In reply to: Bridget 's message, "How hard do they cry, how long do you let them cry?" on 09:26:44 12/31/24 Tue


I hope you can talk some sense to your friend, luckily she is a friend.

When its time for Matt to go over my lap I take hold of Matt's left wrist with my left hand, my right hand on his baby smooth wonderful bare bottom, guiding him over my lap.
The tears, pleading and apologies are all coming fast and furious at this point.

I must say it is quite the enjoyable sight watching his bottom get into place then as he lays there awaiting his spanking to start with no more words just crying.

Then as I start to spank he will beg me with crying words to stop, telling me "that is enough, I’m spanking too hard" all while calling me mommy, then quickly the words stop and it's just long hard crying and he has no control over his body or the tears and snot.

When I spank my son Matt's bare bottom, I start with my hand and I don't really think about it where or how, I just spank depending how I want to at the time, I might spank very fast bouncing my hand off his bottom, I may sink my hand in and leave it there a split second placing my hand firmly across his bottom. I might just spank at a stead quick pace. With my brush I do aim and spank slow and smack just where I want going for eventual full coverage, I am not in any rush when I spank.

Every time when I am finished spanking, Matt comes off my lap hopping, dancing, thrusting his hips forward and back, all modesty gone with loud uncontrollable crying his hands plastered to his blazing deep red bottom. He is an expert doing the post spanking entertaining dance with his tear and snot stained face. Then as Cordelia has previously said once he realized the rubbing isn’t doing anything he runs to ‘mommy’ for cuddling and comfort and sits on my lap and he cries it out all sweaty and tired, tear and snot stained face.

Then the following morning I always check on his bottom making sure it is healing the way it should.

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Subject Author Date
Re: How hard do they cry, how long do you let them cry?Cordelia10:14:14 01/04/25 Sat
    Re: How hard do they cry, how long do you let them cry?Cordelia10:35:17 01/04/25 Sat

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