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Subject: Re: Thinking about an upcoming spanking

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Date Posted: 15:36:54 01/05/25 Sun
In reply to: Grumpy 's message, "Re: Thinking about an upcoming spanking" on 12:20:36 01/05/25 Sun

I remember when a spanking would be announced that I will or would be getting, I would apologize, plead not to be given spanking cause I promised be good & let it be very known that I didn’t want spankings!! I would be immediately rubbing my bottom too, cause I knew my bottom & thighs were going to be feeling lots of pain & throbbing, like a never ending forest fire burning!!

Mom & dad would always let me know, once the decision was made that I needed to be given spankings, there’s absolutely no way, nothing I could say or do could change their minds in not giving me the spankings I deserve & need!!

The naughtier I was the more painful & longer my spankings were!! Spankings were always given with lots of care & lots of love & I always knew I was very cared for & loved too!!

Spankings given by both mom & dad for being naughty or very naughty were equally very painful to get, never looked forward to getting spankings for being naughty or very naughty!!

My bottom would always instantly be hurting & throbbing too, the moment I knew I was going to be given spankings & I would be crying too!! Once my bottom was being bared, my bottom would be throbbing & hurting even more & I would crying louder & more!!

My spankings were never rushed & they took their time in giving each & every swat during all spankings!!

All swats given from the very first swat to the very last swat, was very painful to get & I always cried lots of very real tears of very real pain!! My mom or dad would always tell me, I’m crying & wiggling my bottom & legs & crying, as if my spankings have already started, but I haven’t even been given my very first swat yet!!

My crying was my bottom was feeling pain & throbbing as I laid waiting for my spankings to be given & knowing I was going to be feeling like a never ending forest fire will be burning & causing even more pain & throbbing!! I would even be saying OWIE, OWIE, EVEN BEFORE BEING GIVEN the VERY FIRST, VERY PAINFUL SWAT!!

Even after my spankings for being naughty or very naughty were done being given, I always cried for awhile afterwards, cause it still felt like a never ending forest fire was still burning & I was still hurting in pain & feeling throbbing!!

Mom & dad always gave me lots of love & care!! No matter when I was behaving or being naughty, I always was given love & felt loved!! Before each & all very painful spankings given, both always made sure I knew I way loved!! Unless I was given either nap time or bedtime spankings & fell asleep crying in pain, I was always given love & hugs after my spankings were given. If I was given bedtime spankings, I was given hugs & love in the morning, like our normal routine we did daily & nightly & throughout the day together!!

I would be reminded to behave or I’ll be given more spankings for continuing to be naughty!! Even if I had recently been given a spanking, but continued being naughty or very naughty, I would still be given more spankings for continued naughty or very naughty behavior!!

I would tell them sometimes, but my bottom still hurts from my spankings I just got. I was told, if you still continue to be naughty or very naughty, you’re still going to be given needed & deserved spankings & don’t think you can continue to be naughty or very naughty & not get needed & deserved spankings!!

If I deserved & needed more than one spanking in a day or night, the added spankings given, each added spankings given, were even more painful & longer than the previous spankings given!! More naughty I was, more painful & longer my spankings were!!

Spankings for being naughty or very naughty, all spankings given, I always knew why I deserved & needed all of them!! Spankings for being naughty were never fun or enjoyable or fun to get!! Always OWIE, OWIE!!

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