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Subject: Bedroom check results in a needed spanking

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Date Posted: 08:21:55 01/07/25 Tue

Moms of boys know that state they at times get into when they start behaving in a way where we know they are clearly going to earn a spanking before long then an unannounced bedroom inspection will often yield a spanking offense. This happened here with Lucas yesterday, he had been mouthy and not himself, a little bratty for a couple days, inching towards a spanking, I knew he was clearly going to earn a spanking before long. Does this happen with girls?

What I did was while Lucas who is 14 by the way, was at school I took the opportunity to inspect his room, I was not happy at all when I did. I now had the reason to spank, there was food on the floor with clean and dirty clothes on the floor dirty underwear and food under his bed as well, all of this is a spanking offense and he knows it. When he got home I told him we needed to have a talk seeing he had homework to do I had him do that and then he would get a spanking in his room at bedtime as I showed him his room, he then put his room in order. After dinner and cleaning up and his shower I told him I was not happy with his behavior the past couple of days and about his room and why I was about to spank him.

Having seen him in his pjs bottoms that don't exactly hug his bottom but they do a good job showing me his cheeks as they are just tight enough. No underpants either. I could not wait to get his bottom bared and over my lap. His pj bottoms went down quick and easy all the way to the floor, I took hold of his left wrist with my left hand as I have to help him over my lap with my right hand on his baby smooth wonderful bare bottom, guiding him over my lap, I having my legs separated so that I had a firm flat resting place for his body as he lays flat with his head and shoulders over the couch.

Then adjusting his wonderful, smooth bottom to where I want it, I pushed his shirt half way up his back, his round bottom starts at his lower back and rounds to its peak then down to where his bottom meets the backs of his upper thighs. With my hand holding his right side and lower back just above his bottom and my forearm pressing against his back I had his body under control over my lap enough allowing him to try and be as animated. Before I started my hand spanking I did smile as I enjoyed the sight of his beautiful bubble bottom that I was about to spank.

Starting with my hand I spanked rapidly and quite hard spanking all over his bottom, Lucas doesn’t start crying before his spanking starts and tries very hard not too cry as I start to spank, but he invariably does and he goes form 0 to 100 as he skips preliminaries and after his gasp and holding everything in he started right in with the very loud crying and pleading, I told him we still have a long way to go with my hand spanking. He was then very animated and loud both arms, hands going from holding throw pillows waving them flailing away.

Then when I went to my brush and start spanking I incorporated Cordelia"s approach, taking my time when spanking with my brush, and when he reached back to block his bottom I told him to move his hand and waited for him to do so. But soon reached back again so I pinned it to his lower back and continued.

I don’t have a set pattern, I make sure I spank all around his bottom with both my hand and brush as well as his sit-spots. Every time I spank Lucas it’s a real tear and snot making spanking, I can tell you that for sure. When I finished with the brush portion Lucas came off my lap in full blown loud hysterics with a very shiny fire engine red bottom and I mean the entire bottom down through his sit-spots were that color. With his face full of tears and snot. We also had a very good cuddle time. He then slept on his stomach with his red hot bottom bare facing up.

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Subject Author Date
Re: Bedroom check results in a needed spankingElizabeth08:58:53 01/07/25 Tue
Re: Bedroom check results in a needed spankingMary10:15:28 01/07/25 Tue
Re: Bedroom check results in a needed spankingMarkW12:26:56 01/07/25 Tue
Re: Bedroom check results in a needed spankingStephanie13:55:47 01/07/25 Tue
This happned yesterday and I spanked both boysPaige07:18:27 01/09/25 Thu
Re: Bedroom check results in a needed spankingSarah21:58:45 01/09/25 Thu
Re: Bedroom check results in a needed spankingLaura (Matt's mom)09:00:44 01/10/25 Fri
Re: Bedroom check results in a needed spankingLois03:33:09 01/11/25 Sat
Re: Bedroom check results in a needed spankingCherie10:38:55 01/11/25 Sat
Re: Bedroom check results in a needed spankingCordelia13:09:12 01/11/25 Sat
Re: Bedroom check results in a needed spankingIvana17:17:36 01/11/25 Sat

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