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Subject: Re: Spanking

Ann to Mary
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Date Posted: 06:53:09 01/06/25 Mon
In reply to: Mary 's message, "Re: Spanking" on 05:22:45 12/20/24 Fri

>I do believe it does hurt more and it does make a
>difference between bare and covered up.
>Ok, Why Bare? To me a bare bottom spanking hurts so
>much more than spanking over jeans, slacks, skirts,
>underpants and such. It also demonstrates and sends a
>clear message that I am in charge and I will bare your
>bottom, turn you over my lap and spank your bottom
>long and hard. Also, I can see how the bottom is
>reacting, the color change, as well as spanking down
>through their sit-spots onto the upper thigh area. I
>know and they know it hurts so much more than over
>clothes and psychologically there is something to be
>said for the child as they feel their bottom becoming
>bare, the underpants come down and they become
>‘bare’ and the realization hits them that Oh No! I
>am going over mom’s lap to get my bare bottom
>spanked, it shows their compliance as well.
>To me, hand spankings on a bare bottom are special,
>I've always thought the skin-to-skin contact really
>makes the spanking more of a nurturing experience, a
>bonding time. To me there is nothing more maternal
>than a mom's hand being applied firmly across a
>child's bare bottom. I have always loved the feel of
>my hand on a boys baby smooth bared bottom and that
>unmistakable sound. I also think there is something to
>be said on the recipients part of feeling our hand on
>their bottom.
>Then also as I finish with my hand I then go to my
>trusty brush on their bare bottom, they will go into
>frantic mode and it does hurt so much more than my
>hand on a bare bottom especially since I have just
>given their bottom a long thorough spanking with my
>hand, it really drives home my message.
>When I am going to spank I used to just pull the pants
>down, that evolved to bare from the waist down. I
>would leave a t-shirt unless it was below the waist.
>Now I spank them completely naked, socks too, it's
>just easier to control them. Also, there is just
>something to be said for the sight of a completely
>naked boy over my lap, so clean and natural and
>beautiful, I love it.
>I believe there is nothing more appropriate and
>natural than a son (or daughter) going over the lap
>for an ‘old fashioned, bare-bottomed spanking.’ I
>do so enjoy seeing and spanking a misbehaving boy’s
>bare bottom that is in dire need of correction. And I
>spank my teen boys and their friends no differently
>then I did when they were 8.

Some teen boys are big for there age. What do you do if the boy resists your spankings and makes it very hard for you to spank him?

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Re: SpankingMary07:41:56 01/06/25 Mon

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