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Subject: Re: I was actually thinking of a hot shower, Mom....

Sarah to Mark
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Date Posted: 18:17:18 01/08/25 Wed
In reply to: MarkW 's message, "I was actually thinking of a hot shower, Mom...." on 12:39:07 01/07/25 Tue


I think you know by now from reading enough of my posts, that 'long and hard' spankings are very much part of my standard spankings. Of course, long and hard varies on the age of the child being spanked. But I can promise you, it is always going to be something the child thinks is "too long!!" and "too hard!!" I've heard those complaints way too many times to count, no matter their age. But I feel that is all part of receiving a good and proper spanking. As many of us have said here more than once, a spanking should hurt a lot, it should be unbearable for the child. Which I have found is certainly achieved in administering a long and hard spanking.

When I needed to spank Jason (my son) for removing his snowpants/snowsuit, it was usually when he went outside with a larger group of friends who, for some reason, where some did not have their own snowpants or snowsuit on. And for the life of me, I don't know why their mothers did not enforce them to do so. So he didn't want to look 'like a dork' (his words) and wear "dumb looking snowpants". I would often hear "Mooom, there isn't even that much snow!!" Even though there was plenty enough snow to throw snowballs and build forts.

However, I made it clear to him, whether he felt they were dumb looking or not, that he had no choice in the matter. That he could either put them on so he could play outside with his friends, or he could play inside. There was no other option. And of course when he always chose option 1 (very begrudgingly!), I always warned him that if he decided to remove them, Mommy would give him a spanking.

So why he still removed them at times, I don't know. lol But I found them shoved under the overhang of the house usually. But did he really think I would never check on him? They played in just our back or side yard. So each time I immediately told him to get inside right now, and proceeded spank him as I promised. And much to his embarrassment with his friends hearing his spanking from outside.

Fortunately, it didn't happen all that often where I needed to spank him for this. Maybe once a winter, sometimes twice. And only for a handful of years or so. Although he received plenty more (dry) cold bottom spankings over the years.


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