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Subject: Re: Psychology of Discipline Spankings from a Parent

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Date Posted: 19:45:49 01/09/25 Thu
In reply to: Megan 's message, "Re: Psychology of Discipline Spankings from a Parent" on 14:03:58 01/09/25 Thu

With respect to the psychological aspects, let me weigh in on baring. I think it is better, assuming the clothing worn by the one spanked permits, to bare once they are over your lap. So if a girl, especially a teen, has a full skirt, pulling it up and sliding panties down can add to the ceremony and embarrassment. Similarly if a boy is in pj’s or wearing sweatpants, pulling those down once they are in position I believe can be effective. Having her full skirt up on a girl’s back or sweatpants at a boys ankle can make the experience more memorable and perhaps less likely to need a repeat.

By the way, speaking of full skirts, has anyone ever given or gotten spanked over a tight pencil skirt? Does the tightness make it hurt more.

>I want to pick up on what Sarah said in her post. She
>"But as I mentioned before, the embarrassment is also
>a strong and important part of the spanking process.
>And to be honest, I also view it as an added benefit
>as it just makes the spanking all that more effective
>for me, as well."
>I love that sentiment that embarrassment makes the
>spanking more effective for the spanker as well.
>Agreed, I love seeing embarrassment mixed with
>humbleness and dread before the spanking begins. I
>also like to see/feel resignation and submission,
>acceptance of the spanking to come.
>To me it's as if the spankee is verbally saying mom I
>dread what is to come and am embarrassed by it as well
>but the humbleness, resignation, submission and
>acceptance is saying mom, I know I need this even
>though I don't really want it. When I feel they are
>all humble and submissive/accepting of what is to come
>my spanking itch goes up bigtime cause I get the
>impression they know they need it.
>Then it feels like the act (spanking itself) is a
>unanimous decision of all and it stays with me even
>after the spanking is over. You have some
>post-spanking satisfaction as you think boy he really
>needed it and he knew it (and you kind of smile to
>yourself). I love the fact that he knew it and I gave
>it to him.

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