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Subject: Re: Sequence of Events

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Date Posted: 07:21:18 01/11/25 Sat
In reply to: Madison 's message, "Sequence of Events" on 14:08:19 01/10/25 Fri


When I have spanked multiple children, which has happened often over the years, I have always bared all them at the same time and will then scold all of them. Due to it is usually for the same reason I am spanking them together, the scolding will be a group one. Then I will take them, one at time, over my knee and administer their full spankings (hand and implement portions).

If their misbehavior is equal, I will go from youngest to oldest as I am sure everyone agrees, the later you go, the harder it is on the child seeing and knowing what they have coming. And I feel the older children certainly should have known better and set a better example.

However, if the level of misbehavior is different. Like if one or more of the children are more at fault, then I will save their spanking(s) for later, or last. For the same reason above, in it being more difficult the child in having to wait on their spanking, knowing what is coming next. Never mind the fact that their spanking is going to be more serious, as well.

But I feel doing all the preparation (baring) at the beginning is easiest so I can just take the next child in line as the scolding is already complete. And yes, having to stand, waiting bare-bottomed to take their turn, is a more poignant reminder of how much trouble they are in and what they have to come.

Madison, I had posted in your other recent thread asking of Eliza in how it has been going with her. Although from what you said in this post in "The most I have ever spanked at the same time, is two – both of my sons, Erick, 13; and Elliott, who just recently turned 10." it sounds like you haven't needed to spank her yet. That is great! But I assume you still are following through what you mentioned before and using spanking as an option for her now?


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Re: Sequence of EventsMadison07:57:48 01/11/25 Sat

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