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Subject: Fanny Framing and Other Observations

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Date Posted: 13:27:19 01/10/25 Fri

Hi Everyone,

I hope everyone enjoyed a blessed Christmas and New Year. Apologies for not being here for a while, I’m afraid our family suffered a horrific tragedy involving a beloved relative, may God rest his soul. Losing a loved one is always such a powerful reminder of the preciousness, and yet fragility, of life. I believe in saving cherished memories of the past, plan for the future, live in the present.

I just want to congratulate and also elaborate on, contributions by both Paige and Cherie, for some of the most provocative comments I’ve ever read and how much I can totally relate to how they feel about certain aspects of administering a well deserved spanking to a naughty boy’s bare bottom! It’s all about the visual and emotional elements of a spanking event – and in this case – focusing on the all-important preparation.

For starters, Paige offered this treasure, “I have a spare kitchen table chair good size high back wood chair when I am going to spank I make them stand and watch me place the chair just so in the living room it is my, our ‘spanking chair’, then I go and get my special spanking spoon…” This is SO beautifully well stated! It’s almost as though someone is setting a table for a picnic while the others are looking on, knowing exactly what is taking place, what the specific preparations are for. I can well imagine her boys are full of anxiety and trepidation, knowing what this all really means. Using the analogy of setting the table for a picnic, all they need to bring to the “party,” the only contribution they have to make, is to provide their own behind, which fortunately they always have readily available!

If I may be so graphic, I can well imagine (I can ONLY imagine, having never gotten a spanking myself as a kid) any boy – or girl – who is standing there witnessing these preparations being made, will already have the beginnings of an increased heart rate, sweaty palms, dry mouth, possibly even tingling in their bottom which may cause them to subconsciously rub their rear end, in response, or even cover their bottom cheeks with both hands in a natural, protective gesture, perhaps without even realizing they are doing that. I HAVE seen both of my boys cover their lil butts with both hands before the actual spanking begins, with tears beginning to form in their eyes.

Also, Paige mentioned this about her boys, “also taking my time adjusting his bottom until it was just so - high, pert and begging to be spanked." It is the ‘star of the show’.

It seems that Cherie elaborated on this concept when she added, “For me, the visual prominence lent to his upturned bare bottom over my lap by clothing above and below was invigorating, stimulating and only intensifies my determination to spank - and to spank soundly!”

I cannot possibly agree more with this concept, as so beautifully articulated by both of these ladies! It really speaks volumes to me!

I have a tendency to use analogies quite a lot, and to me, when you have clothing above and below a naked butt, it just highlights the “target area,” much like a stage performer would have a spotlight trained on him/herself. It directs your undivided attention to just that particular target, quite literally makes that one element, “The Star of the Show!” I think of it as “The Framing of the Fanny.”

I have spanked my boys both with just bared bottoms only, and also completely naked before…and while I really like the “showcasing” of the “star of the show,” I can also appreciate other aspects of the naughty young lad being “naked as a jay bird,” as Mary prefers.

Even if the boy being fully nude is the way a spanking is administered, at least in the summer months here in SE Texas, there is still something to be said for the prominent display of a bare bottom when juxtaposed against a good summer tan!

We have a nice pool in our backyard and all of my kids spend an inordinate amount of time swimming or just lounging around the pool, which results in beautiful bronze tans, especially near the end of the summer vacation. So once again, when one of my boys is over my lap, even if he is naked as the day he was born, his upturned, lily-white fanny is glowing like new penny, in stark contrast to the remainder of his bronzed body. And so again, it just focuses your attention on THAT particular area!

The irony is not lost on me, that his bare buttocks are the one place that still need some good TANNING!

All for now,


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Subject Author Date
Re: Fanny Framing and Other ObservationsMary15:00:44 01/10/25 Fri
Re: Fanny Framing and Other ObservationsSarah06:47:26 01/11/25 Sat
Re: Fanny Framing and Other ObservationsCherie10:32:37 01/11/25 Sat
Re: Fanny Framing and Other ObservationsShannon05:33:08 01/13/25 Mon
Re: Fanny Framing and Other ObservationsStephanie06:48:01 01/13/25 Mon

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