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Subject: A tragic thing but I already had a feeling that this would happen

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Date Posted: 11:43:15 01/12/25 Sun

Some people here in the forum will know the story. The wife of our employee driver and mother of Mila and Emil had a horrific car accident a year and a half ago and only just survived. Since then she has still had a lot of physical problems but also major problems with her mental health.
Now what I had feared for a long time has happened, she has left her husband and children. At the turn of the new year she had a mental breakdown and only shouted at her children and her husband. How ruthless and uncomprehending everyone was and she accused her husband of cheating on her.
She has fled to her parents and wants to get divorced as soon as possible. That is tragic. Before the accident, everything was fine, the family and the marriage were happy and there were even plans for a third child.
The husband and father of the children has to work and earn money, the children Emil and Mila have to be looked after, but there is no family or relatives nearby.
Emil and Mila stayed with us for a while after the accident and are now back here. We'll see how long and how the situation will develop. The husband still has hope that he can still save his marriage.
It will be another change for Emil and Mila, but they are already familiar with it. At home, they could do what they wanted, without guidance, without instructions, without rules and without consequences. That doesn't fly under my roof.
I have fixed rules, fixed bedtimes, fixed times for schoolwork and times to play. If they obey and behave well and stick to the rules, everything is wonderful and we have a good time. If not, they get spanked. It's as simple as that.
Emil will be 11 this year and Mila will be 9. They don't listen, run around the stores like idiots when shopping, you have to say everything three times before they even react. Put on your pyjamas, brush your teeth, get dressed, it's time for school. Emil and Mila can be nice and sweet, but they simply haven't been trained.
They've been with us since last night and I haven't had to spank them yet, but I'm sure that will happen soon. I admit I have a certain itch to do that. They will benefit from it.
The first time I only spanked them by hand. No tools. That was the most important thing for her mother and she wanted it that way. But I'm not sure I'm going to stick to it anymore. I mean, Emil is 10 going on 11 and his bottom could really do with at least a wooden spoon.
I'm sure I'll be able to report more very soon. And if my son Marek keeps up his pace with the spanking he needs, then maybe a couple of times a week.

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Subject Author Date
Re: A tragic thing but I already had a feeling that this would happenMary14:53:11 01/12/25 Sun
Re: A tragic thing but I already had a feeling that this would happenJennifer14:59:48 01/12/25 Sun
Re: A tragic thing but I already had a feeling that this would happenTina17:00:27 01/12/25 Sun
Re: A tragic thing but I already had a feeling that this would happenStephanie06:50:46 01/13/25 Mon

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