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Subject: Re: Lord's Name in Vain

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Date Posted: 16:55:29 01/12/25 Sun
In reply to: Megan 's message, "Re: Lord's Name in Vain" on 13:17:13 01/12/25 Sun

>I will echo the others here and say good job. I think
>a lot of the time swearing is just a habit that kids
>pick up from hearing it so much at school. That isn't
>meant to excuse it but it is a fact. I know I slipped
>up a couple of times and was spanked for expletives as
>did my brother, as did my son as well.
>I know at school when moms aren't around kids swear.
>At recess, before class it kind of creeps into their
>vocabularies and slips out of their mouths at home
>when they are frustrated, angry or stub their toes or
>something like that. My brother did that last one I
>Then it is soap and spank time. I recall my son in
>post-spanking reflection time saying he didn't really
>mean anything by it, it was just a habit he'd gotten
>into a bit at school.

Thank you, and yes it's definitely a habit they get in and rarely is much thought put into it. We're only human after all.

>I told him it was a habit that had to stop it and
>either he could do so himself or to be prepared for
>more soapings and spankings.
>I felt for him a bit as I'd sort of felt the same way
>getting it for swearing as a girl. A few soapy mouths
>and red bottoms cured us all though. I think the key
>is to tell them to stop swearing at school then it
>won't slip out at home and that is the message I would

Well said. I do have some sympathy for this. For example if the noise of the glass breaking had just scared him and without thinking he said a four letter word starting with S, I might even give a warning and a talk about how to not create habits like that.

>If they really are eager to break the habit tell
>them to confess to mom each time they swear at school
>and mom will give them the help they need to break the
>habit each and every time.
>They will then either say "are you crazy" or ask you
>what "give them the help they need to break the habit"
>means. Nobody ever took me up on the confession for
>swearing thing but I definitely said it a few times.

That's interesting. It would definitely require some bravery.

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