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Subject: Re: Sequence of Events

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Date Posted: 04:05:10 01/13/25 Mon
In reply to: Madison 's message, "Sequence of Events" on 14:08:19 01/10/25 Fri


It the same with my boys, they have earned a lot more spankings together then by themselves, as with Sarah "if their misbehavior is equal, I will go from youngest to oldest as I am sure everyone agrees, the later you go, the harder it is on the child seeing and knowing what they have coming. And I feel the older children certainly should have known better and set a better example."

The vast majority of my spankings are at night in my boys bedroom as I sit on the lower bunk bed. I will have informed them ahead of time and once they have their pajamas on I will go to their room sitting on the lower bunk and call them to me pointing to where I want them to stand. I will then remind them of what brought us to this point, then I take down their pajama bottoms and underpants to the floor and have them step out of them, I then have them do 15 min of corner time, I sit on the lower bunkbed waiting, admiring the view as they nervously shift their weight from one foot to the other flexing and relaxing their bottom and the drama is something as we are thinking of what is next.

I then summon the one to be spanked back to me as I am pointing to the side of my right thigh no more talking it is now spanking time as I then help my boy over my thighs for his spanking, all their spankings are very embarrassing for them, having their mum bare them then put them in the corner then having to go over my lap bare bottom on display for me.

They still ask and complain that I bare them for their corner time and spanking, they also ask not to be spanked over my lap, I tell them this is how I will continue to spank them, it is up to them to behave and not need me to spank them.

Once I have my boys over my thighs I have them tucked in close held tight. I prefer to have my legs, thighs together with them forward enough so that their hips are right over my thighs and I am presented with an English white bare boy bottom turned up awaiting me to spank right under my nose. I never rush a spanking. There is nothing wrong with pausing and admiring their bottom over our lap, I do that with each of my boys when I get them over my lap, I am in no hurry to start their spanking.

They are laying bent over my lap with their feet pointing to the floor but not touching it while his head is the other side of me of me facing down. But once the spanking commences they do become straight and then back to being draped across my knees and then repeated throughout. The majority of my spankings are at night in my boys bedroom as I sit on the lower bunk bed.

Both of my boys are brilliantly animated, and I do need to hear their uncontrollable loud crying and see them so animated over our lap. I see the side to side wiggling, the wild kicking during a spanking, kicking away, as they struggle to pull their arm out of my hand to block their bottom from the spanks. They have also tried to pull themselves off my lap.

I see scissor kicking, frog kicking, swim kicking and swimming with their free arm but this only is a natural occurrence when I am spanking their bare bottom I don’t spank extra for it, if my boys when they get to be over the top with it I just put my right leg over their legs

I'm not going through all the effort of baring them getting them across my lap for a 30 second spanking, no way. It will be a long spanking while I admire the view of my boys bare bottom from start to finish watching it change colour from very white to whatever shade of red (and beyond when needed) that I need to see.

>I have a question for the other spanking moms here,
>about the sequence of events you routinely follow when
>administering a spanking to more than one boy or girl,
>at a time.
>The most I have ever spanked at the same time, is two
>– both of my sons, Erick, 13; and Elliott, who just
>recently turned 10. I’ve honestly never tried to
>keep count, but it seems that more often than not, if
>one boy is due a spanking, the other is getting one as
>well. I suppose it should come as no surprise because
>they are close enough in age to do a lot of things
>together, including getting into some kind of mischief
>together – or just fighting with each other, as
>siblings will tend to do.
>At any rate, I know the vast majority of you begin
>spankings with your hand, then graduate to a
>hairbrush, for the “grand finale.” I’m really
>no different, other than I use a thin, hardwood oval
>paddle that covers both bottom cheeks with each lick,
>rather than a hairbrush.
>Finally, my question is, what is your sequence of
>events if you have multiple boys, or girls, or boys
>and girls, all getting a spanking at the same time,
>one after another? Beginning with the baring – say,
>hypothetically if you have 3 or 4 boys due a trip over
>your lap, do you first bare them all and then start
>spanking the first one with hand, let him up off your
>lap, then hand-spank No. 2, and then perhaps start
>over again with No. 1 with the hairbrush, and go down
>the line again – or – do you completely bare,
>hand-spank, and then hairbrush spank the first boy,
>before moving on to “No. 2,” or some variation of
>what I’ve suggested?
>I ask this because for me – not always but sometimes
>– I bare them both beforehand if they’re not
>already bare by the time we get to The Spanking Chair,
>and have hand-spanked “Boy No. 1” and then made
>him stand with his nose in the corner and hands on his
>head, while I hand-spank “Boy No. 2.” I will then
>send Boy No. 2 to the corner while I “reinvite”
>Boy No. 1 to get over my lap again, this time for his
>subsequent paddling.
>I just think this routine has both physical and
>psychological benefits; while he gets a brief respite
>from the actual smacks, it means he kind of has to
>start over again, with the stinging spanks. It
>doesn’t allow let him to “get it over with” too
>quickly, and while standing in the corner he has time
>to better reflect on what he still has coming.
>What say you, ladies?
>All for now,

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