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Subject: Re: Reintroduction - Please Consider Updating Us

Sarah to Amanda J
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Date Posted: 17:37:03 02/22/25 Sat
In reply to: Amanda J. 's message, "Re: Reintroduction - Please Consider Updating Us" on 09:21:01 02/22/25 Sat


Thank you for your kind words.

The oldest child I have spanked is my son Jason. He was 19, less than a month away from 20 at the time. He forgot the rules of the house when coming home from college after his first year on what was expected of him to help out as well as even keeping his own room clean. I gave him plenty of chances over the summer, probably more than I should have.

It had been almost a year since his last spanking so I was hoping he would have turned it around on his own (with my warnings). However, the best solution, like always in the past, was a good, sound bare bottom spanking over his Mommy's knee.

Not surprisingly, he turned it around afterwards and we didn't need to revisit it again. As well as being his last spanking, period. He did need some spanking warnings afterwards from time to time, but none I had to follow through with.

Thank you on your well wishes for our youngest. We are so excited and happy for her! He really is a wonderful boy. Or I should say young man. You asked the last time I needed to spank Laura (our youngest), it has been awhile. It's been almost 8 yrs for her. She was almost 17 1/2 when she received her last spanking. Much around the same age as our oldest. Although our middle daughter was last spanked at 18 right before she left for college.

But the children were always made clear that spankings remained an option while they were being supported by us, which supported included putting them through college, as well. Fortunately it was only our son that needed to put that to the test.

Amanda, I would be happy to correspond with one another. Mary also has my email address and you are welcome to ask her for it and email me if you wish. I can't guarantee on how timely my response might be depending on how quickly real life can get busy, but I would do my best.


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Subject Author Date
Re: Reintroduction - Please Consider Updating Ussteve52 to Sarah18:17:12 02/22/25 Sat
Re: Reintroduction - Please Consider Updating UsAmanda J to Sarah20:16:15 02/22/25 Sat

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