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Subject: Re: Reintroduction - Please Consider Updating Us

Amanda J.
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Date Posted: 09:21:01 02/22/25 Sat
In reply to: Sarah 's message, "Re: Reintroduction - Please Consider Updating Us" on 00:19:01 02/22/25 Sat

Hello Sarah,

Thank you so much for such an amazing reintroduction! You have an amazing history in regard to spankings and how important they are in a child and teens upbringing! I agree with everything you mentioned, such as there is no better way to send a message than through a child or teens bare buttocks. That is absolutely true!

You mentioned that Andy and Derek at 17 still consistently earn trips over your lap. I absolutely support that option at that age. May I ask what the oldest age is that you have spanked? You mentioned that your youngest is 25, curious how long it has been since she has been spanked. By the way, congratulations on her upcoming marriage as you mentioned!

Sarah. I would like to remain in touch with you. If you are interested, Mary has my e-mail address and she can share it with you. I would welcome connecting.

Thank you once again for all that you shared!

Hugs, Amanda J.

>This is really a great idea. Even with some of the
>consistent posters, ages for the children have changed
>and it's good to get an update. I know I forget ages
>with some of them if they are not updated
>periodically. lol
>With myself, I am a married mother of four. All of my
>children are grown now (one son 32 and three daughters
>37, 33 & 25). I'm also a proud grandmother of six.
>Three boys-19 months, 3 & 6 (almost 7) and three
>girls-12, 5 & 3. The 12 yr old girl and 6 yr old boy
>are my oldest's, the baby boy and 5 yr old girl are my
>middle daughter's and the two 3 yr old's are twins and
>are of course my son's. No children yet for my baby.
>But she is getting married this coming June. :)
>Much like everyone else here, I am a strong advocate
>of spanking. I raised my children with spankings and
>as I do a lot of babysitting with my grandchildren, I
>am also a grandmother that will not hesitate to redden
>their bottom when needed, as well. Of course the 19
>month old is still young for spankings, but I have
>spanked all of my other grandchildren, and with a
>couple of them, (6 yr old and 12 yr old) quite a
>number of times.
>Currently I am babysitting four of my grandchildren
>after school. Kathy (12 yr old), AJ (6 yr old) and
>Ricky and Izzy (Isabelle) (3 yr old twins). My oldest
>works in the day so I need to watch Kathy and AJ for a
>couple of hours after school.
>And both Jason (my son) and Paula (his wife) bought a
>house and are working hard in getting it ready to move
>in. So they have been using most available hours to
>work on the house while I babysit the twins. Of course
>Grandma is happy to help out. :)
>But as expected, my lap has been pretty busy with the
>grandkids, especially with Ricky and Izzy these last
>few weeks. They usually earn a couple spankings a
>week, each. With Kathy and AJ, they normally earn
>about 1 spanking a week on average, sometimes less for
>How I spank is very similar to most here. I always
>spank over my lap on the child's bare bottom, no
>matter their age. I think everyone can agree here that
>there is no better way to send the message than
>directly to the child's bare buttocks. It certainly
>hurts more. Never mind letting the child know that
>Mommy (or Grandma) is going to take down (off) their
>pants, and they have no say in the matter. There is no
>question on who is in charge.
>I am another Mom that starts with a good, sound hand
>spanking and then finishes with my hairbrush. Or my
>wooden spanking spoon with the younger children. For
>the real young children, like my 3 yr old twin
>grandchildren, only my hand is needed. But I have
>always had the belief (and practice) that good, sound
>and thorough spankings is what is needed any time you
>have to take them over your lap. Of course a "good and
>sound spanking" is adjusted to the age of the child
>you are spanking, but it should still hurt a lot and
>be hated no matter who you are spanking. There should
>frantic and desperation as well as a face full of
>tears and snot, no matter the age of the child being
>spanked. All of the above are the sights and sounds of
>a proper spanking being administered.
>I do also spank as a babysitter. Besides with my
>grandchildren, I did most of my babysitting in the
>summer months and needed to spank quite consistently
>because of it with having 3 charges. But you may have
>seen me talk about Andy and Derek. I have babysat Andy
>since he was 8 yrs old, and have spanked him since
>then. But really did not start spanking him
>consistently until he was 9 when his mother started
>traveling for work and he would stay with me for a
>week or two at a time. In the years I have watched
>Andy, he has become like another son to me, and he has
>looked the same as like another Mom(my). In the years
>I have watched him, I have had to give him quite a
>number of spankings.
>With Derek, I have never technically babysat him, but
>he has been over here often as he and Andy are best
>friends and have always been attached at the hip, you
>could say. Similar to Andy, I have grown close to
>Derek and have come to view and treat him like another
>son, as well. Including in regards to discipline
>(spankings). Both boys are 17 now (Andy turns 18 next
>month) and still earn relatively consistent trips over
>my lap.
>Much like many of the moms here, I have been the only
>spanker in our home for most of the years. There was a
>brief time my husband did try to 'do his part' not
>long after we got married (I am remarried) and he
>wanted to show his support in regards to spanking.
>But it was clear he just was not up to giving them and
>we both came to the agreement that I should handle
>them. And I had no issues in regards to that. My
>viewpoint has always been I would prefer to be the
>'bad guy' or 'bad Mom' and make sure the children
>received the proper spankings they needed. Than try to
>have both of us spank and the children sometimes not
>receive the spanking that was deserved. Also, I was
>usually home first and more often with the kids,
>anyways. Besides, the important thing was my husband
>presented a united front, there was no running to
>Daddy to get out of a spanking. And since then, I have
>always been the one to handle all the spankings and I
>have been just fine with that. And honestly, have
>preferred it that way.

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Subject Author Date
Re: Reintroduction - Please Consider Updating UsSarah to Amanda J17:37:03 02/22/25 Sat

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