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Subject: Re: Yet another 'Escape-attempt'

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Date Posted: 04:20:11 02/20/25 Thu
In reply to: Sarah 's message, "Re: Yet another 'Escape-attempt'" on 18:40:17 02/19/25 Wed


Thanks for the support you have always been so supportive.

The way you told of them being so "very frantic and desperate on my lap" was brilliant, my boys are the same way they are very good at swim kicking including frog kicking also short very fast kicks with their feet going so fast and flailing away with their hands and trying to buck their hips.

Just as with you and I don't have a problem with the children kicking frantically or flailing their arms desperately while I spank them, but I do when they try to pull themselves off my lap.

>A spanking well needed for Stanley. He definitely
>knows better how to talk to Mum and giving sass is
>never the right choice. It is much the same in this
>house, talking back to Mommy or Grandma has always
>meant a quick trip over my lap for the children, as
>I agree, the children trying to 'escape' is very much
>a normal reaction. They are always very frantic and
>desperate on my lap while I spank long and hard. Doing
>anything and everything they can to avoid the rapid
>hard smacking of my hand or brisk to rapid cracking of
>my brush (or spoon). When I have spanked while sitting
>in a chair, the children have also grabbed the rungs
>of the legs and tried to yank themselves off my lap.
>They have never been successful, but they have been
>close sometimes.
>I don't have a problem with the children kicking
>frantically or flailing their arms desperately while I
>spank them, but like Mary, trying to actually pull
>themselves off my lap is something I don't put up
>with. And I will also let them know I will not
>hesitate to spank longer, or even start the spanking
>completely over.

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