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Subject: Update on my sons spanking. Thank you all for your advice.

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Date Posted: 09:45:40 02/20/25 Thu

I want to thank this board and Mary and everyone else for helping me with the advice on spanking my 14 year old son. When I first posted, I did not have any idea why my son's bare-bottom spankings were having no effect on him at all. I found out from your replies the reason was I was not spanking long enough and did not apply the hairbrush to my son's bare bottom, which should have been done years ago, which was my fault. I hope this will solve the problem with all of the help I received from Mary and everyone else. I spanked my son today. He was getting out of hand and not doing what he was told, so today I decided to try the new method of spanking him. I brought my son up to his room, sat down on his desk chair, and told him things are going to be different from now on. I explained to him that from now on, when he misbehaves, his spankings will be much, much longer than the 10 slaps he received, and I explained to him that I must correct his behavior because it is getting out of hand, and the best way to do this is that he is spanked thoroughly and soundly. I told him instead of being spanked 10 times, he could be spanked up to 80 times and told him that I would apply the hairbrush to his bare bottom, which he started saying, Mom, please, I will be good. Please don’t spank me like that; it will hurt too much. I told him that is what a spanking is for—to hurt, and now you are going to feel what a real spanking feels like. I told him to stand in front of me and take off his shirt, which he did; I told him his spankings will now be nude as additional punishment, than told him to take off his pants and underwear and socks. Now I had him naked in front of me. He was covering up his front because he was now embarrassed, which is part of his punishment. I told my son you are a young teenage boy, and now I have to spank you like a little boy. He started to cry, and I told him this is for your own good. I took him over my knee and adjusted him so I could spank. I scolded him more than looked at his round, smooth bottom, just knowing it will be very red soon. I began to spank slowly at first and then picked up the pace. He started to wiggle his hips and bottom, but then I really started spanking faster and faster, and now I knew my spanking was working. For the first time spanking him, he was kicking his legs back and forth and crying, begging me to stop, but I knew I had to try this new spanking method. I must have hand spanked him steadily, and I would say about 80 hand spanks or more. I stopped the hand spanking, and he was crying like a baby, and I explained to him the rest of his spanking will be with the hairbrush. I picked up my round wooden hairbrush and began to spank him; he was really kicking his legs back and forth and almost escaped at one point, but I had a good grip on him. After his spanking, I had him stand up, hugged him, and lectured him that from now on, all of his spankings will be just like this. I took him to the corner and told him to stay there for one half hour, and I will return; then you will be able to get dressed. Looking at his bare, smooth, round bottom was something to see. It was so red for a change, and knowing that my young teenage boy was well spanked for a change made me feel so good. Thanks again for all of your help.

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Subject Author Date
Re: Update on my sons spanking. Thank you all for your advice.Mary10:29:47 02/20/25 Thu
Re: Update on my sons spanking. Thank you all for your advice.Amanda J.12:06:50 02/20/25 Thu
Re: Update on my sons spanking. Thank you all for your advice.Cherie13:23:40 02/20/25 Thu
Re: Update on my sons spanking. Thank you all for your advice.Ivana13:24:57 02/20/25 Thu

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