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Date Posted: 2025-01-01 09:22:56
Author: Daniela
Subject: Re: Introduction to partner
In reply to: Lucas 's message, "Introduction to partner" on 2025-01-01 02:56:21

>How do you introduce the idea of ​​keeping the
>kids barefoot to your partner? Do you talk about it on
>the first date or does it come more slowly?

In my case that idea developed while Rita was already "on the way". It was clearly my idea, my partner was a bit skeptical (worried about possible injuries) but now wholeheartedly supports her.

When I first met my husband we didn't talk about children. We got to know each other, our friendship developed into love, the idea of having a child together came up for real when we looked for a place to settle down together and found a nice home with a little garden. We both agreed that it's important to give her freedom and space when growing up, to give her enough time, to provide directions, be a good example, but let her take her own decisions as soon as she's mature enough for that.

The months of pregnancy leading to birth are also a time of mental preparation and I read a lot during that time. Not just parenting guides (bookstores have entire sections for that), but I also re-read some books from my childhood, I remembered particularly pleasant moments of my own childhood and I realized I was barefoot in a lot of those happy moments, be it during the summer holidays, at the beach or lake, climbing trees or just at the playground with friends.

Giving birth is a tough and exhausting job so I was quite tired right afterwards, still it was a magical moment to hold my little baby, so small but already such nimble and strong fingers and toes. Seeing, touching, rubbing them softly it was clear to me that these toes want to be free, it felt wrong to wrap them into anything and restrict their movement. It was then that the idea came up to "not even get her used to wearing shoes". The main motivation was to let her experience her childhood with all senses, though I soon noticed it has practical advantages, especially not having to keep track of her growing feet and constantly buying new footwear.

We furnished our new home with soft carpets, we have a floor heating so it's pleasant for us both to go barefoot at home all year long. It was quite clear that our daughter would be barefoot as well while inside. We received a footed onesie from friends as a gift, she didn't like wearing it much so I cut off the feet and hemmed the fabric at the ankles so she could go barefoot, that was better.
When going out, before she started walking on her own, I took socks along for a while (just in case) but found she didn't need them, her feet were warm to the touch even during a cool breeze.

As she learned to walk and went outside, my husband had some reservations. It turned out he felt vulnerable when he was outside the house and didn't wear at least sandals. At the same time though I was going barefoot more because I wanted to feel the world together with my little baby girl. I also talked to the paediatrist who gave me some warnings about thorns, bees and broken glass, but said about the temperature that I should just check regularly and it'll be obvious when she's fine.

So I let my daughter Rita decide and she decided it's better to walk barefoot - everywhere, not just carpet and grass, but also pavement, asphalt and gravel. Her feet were still so soft but she had no difficulty even on surfaces that made me wince when I tried to walk barefoot on them! I frequently checked her feet but she had no injury so I concluded she's fine and didn't even need the shoes I bought once autumn arrived.

Nowadays she's walking steadily, actually quite active and learning to jump and climb, she's constantly barefoot, I'll sometimes go barefoot with her during short summer walks, my husband puts on shoes or sandals when leaving the house.

Walking barefoot into winter was her idea and she surprised us with it ... I remembered my thought from the moment she was born (don't even get her used to shoes) so I decided not to put shoes on her against her will. Instead she got cozy soft leg warmers reaching to her ankles, a jacket and a woollen hat, and while my husband and I put on our winter boots she'll come along with little naked feet peeking out under all her warm clothes ... at least when temperatures are above freezing. Checking her toes after twenty minutes is amazing, they're literally glowing hot from inside (and she's obviously happy and in a great mood going barefoot in the cold).
Now during these frosty days she'll only do that for a short time though and that's a sane choice as we all have to make sure she's not getting frostbitten.

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  • Re: Introduction to partner -- Anita, 2025-01-05 01:02:07
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