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Date Posted: 2025-01-12 05:55:31
Author: Anita
Subject: Re: Winter Freeze
In reply to: Carol 's message, "Winter Freeze" on 2025-01-12 00:34:09

Hi Carol and all!
During these dull cold days it's heartwarming to be outside with your cheerful children, full of joy and energy, their bare feet peeking out under warm clothes glowing a bright reddish pink and resisting the cold. And I'm glad to report they're never grumpy, they all have a way of cheering up everybody's mood. They especially love making new tracks in newfallen snow (to the astonishment of everybody who comes along afterwards seeing their footprints).
When it's around the freezing point they will run on snow with no problem, though new soft snow is definitely better for that than the hard icy crust that forms after a few frosty weeks. Also bare soles don't give good traction on ice, it's very slippery!
Right after the first good snowfall I joined them in the garden for just a minute which was quite enough for my feet!
When it gets a lot colder though, and we had night temperatures around -8°C, they do reach their limits. It's only fun while you feel everything, if toes go numb that's the limit! So yes, their time outside is more limited, to the school it's less than ten minutes walk (shorter if they run) but for anything more they have to put something on.
Socks have the problem that they will wear out quickly as you walk in them. I guess wool socks on soft snow will hold up longer (but only be warming when the snow isn't wet). My daughter is friends with another girl who collects socks and frequently walks outside sockfooted if it's not wet, I guess she's worn out quite a number of pairs ... anyway that friend has given my daughter fancy socks as birthday gift and they've been to town in their socks together. As she came home the socks didn't just have nice black footprints on the soles but the fabric was also wearing thin.
Since we don't want to waste fabric we've bought Skinners socks which have a somewhat more robust rubbery sole plus an insulating flexible insole that allows to be outside in frost considerably longer. Still nothing for arctic expeditions but for playing around outside it'll do. If it's just for a short time they'll all go barefoot in any temperature.
Be wise, don't risk frostbite ... your limits are best explored with caution.

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